
1. **清热解毒**:金鸡胶囊中的主要成分如金樱根、鸡血藤、千斤拔、功劳木、两面针和穿心莲等,都具有清热解毒的作用,能够有效缓解体内热毒积聚,对多种炎症性疾病有显著的治疗效果。

2. **健脾除湿**:针对湿热下注引起的症状,金鸡胶囊通过健脾除湿,改善脾胃功能,有助于消除体内湿气,从而缓解相关病症。

3. **通络活血**:其成分还能通络活血,对于血液循环不畅导致的疼痛、肿块等症状有改善作用。


4. **抗炎镇痛**:金鸡胶囊具有抗炎镇痛的效果,能够有效减轻因炎症引起的疼痛和不适。


5. **治疗妇科炎症**:金鸡胶囊主要用于治疗附件炎、子宫内膜炎、盆腔炎等妇科疾病,尤其对湿热下注引起的妇科炎症有较好的治疗效果。

6. **抗菌作用**:金鸡胶囊具有一定的抗菌作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌、乙型溶血性链球菌和大肠杆菌等有一定的抑制作用。


7. **改善症状**:对于妇科炎症引起的下腹胀痛、腰骶酸楚、乳房胀痛、附件压痛、月经不调、白带多等症状,金鸡胶囊都有改善作用。

8. **安全方便**:作为中成药,金鸡胶囊相较于某些西药副作用较小,服用方便,易于患者接受。



1. **疏肝理气**:柴胡疏肝丸的核心功效是疏肝理气,能够缓解肝气郁滞引起的各种症状,如胸闷、心情堵、郁闷等。

2. **活血止痛**:该药具有活血止痛的作用,对于肝郁气滞导致的两胁疼痛、痛经或行经不畅等症状有显著疗效。

3. **调和脾胃**:柴胡疏肝丸中含有的成分如陈皮、炙甘草等,有助于调和脾胃功能,对于因肝郁气滞引起的胃阳不足、不思饮食等症状有改善作用。

4. **消胀止痛**:对于胸肋痞闷、食滞不消、呕吐酸水等症状,柴胡疏肝丸也有一定的缓解作用。

5. **现代应用**:柴胡疏肝丸在现代医学中常用于治疗慢性肝炎、慢性胆囊炎、急慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡等疾病。

6. **注意事项**:由于柴胡疏肝丸中辛散药物较多,不建议长期服用,以免伤及肝阴。症状缓解后应在医生指导下停药或换药。


7. **禁忌人群**:对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。孕妇和肝胆湿热、食滞胃肠、脾胃虚寒等特定体质的人群应慎用或避免使用。

8. **合理用药**:在服用柴胡疏肝丸期间,患者应保持心情乐观,避免生气恼怒,同时注意饮食清淡,避免生冷、辛辣、油腻和刺激性食物。




1. **补益脾胃**:红枣含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,能够滋补脾胃,改善消化不良、食欲降低、身体水肿、四肢酸痛等症状。花生富含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质,有助于健脾润燥。

2. **补血养血**:红枣具有补血养血的功效,对于贫血、面色苍白等症状有改善作用。枸杞富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素等成分,也有助于补血安神。

3. **养肝护肝**:枸杞中的枸杞多糖和多种氨基酸能降低肝脏细胞的病理损伤,修复受损的肝脏细胞,有助于肝脏健康。红枣中的维生素也有助于保护肝脏。

4. **增强免疫力**:枸杞富含多种抗氧化物质,能增强免疫力,提高抵抗力,有助于抵御疾病。

5. **促进消化**:花生中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘,同时花生中的脂肪也有助于脂肪的消化吸收。

6. **延缓衰老**:红枣和枸杞都含有丰富的抗氧化物质,能够延缓衰老,保持肌肤弹性。

7. **养心安神**:红枣具有安神的作用,对于失眠、心悸等神经衰弱症状有一定的缓解作用。

8. **美容养颜**:红枣和枸杞都有美容养颜的功效,长期食用有助于改善肤色,使皮肤光滑细腻。

9. **适合人群广泛**:红枣枸杞花生粥适合大多数人群食用,尤其是脾胃虚弱、贫血、免疫力低下的人群。



1. **补气养阴**:西洋参具有补气养阴、清热生津的功效,对于气阴两虚、疲劳乏力、口干舌燥等症状有缓解作用。

2. **增强免疫力**:西洋参中的多糖类成分能够增强人体的免疫功能,提高抵抗力,帮助抵御疾病。


3. **滋阴壮阳**:鸽肉性温,有益气补血、滋阴壮阳的作用,与西洋参结合,适合肾虚精亏、体虚腰酸腿软等人群食用。

4. **健脑补神**:鸽肉含有丰富的脑磷脂,有助于提高记忆力,对脑力劳动者有很好的保健作用。

5. **降低血压和血糖**:西洋参和鸽肉都有一定的降血压、降血糖效果,适合高血压和糖尿病患者食用。


6. **养颜美容**:西洋参炖鸽子能够促进新陈代谢,改善皮肤状况,具有美容养颜的功效。


7. **润肺止咳**:西洋参对于肺燥咳嗽有一定的缓解作用,鸽肉也有润肺的效果,两者结合对肺燥咳嗽有一定的食疗作用。

8. **改善消化系统**:鸽肉易于消化吸收,与西洋参结合食用,有助于养胃壮肠,缓解胃肠毒素的积累。

9. **抗疲劳**:西洋参所含的人参皂苷能促进新陈代谢,缓解疲劳。

10. **促进新陈代谢**:鸽肉属于高蛋白、低脂肪的食物,营养成分易于吸收,且脂肪含量低,不会给消化系统带来负担。



1. **富含抗氧化物质**:核桃嫩果中含有丰富的多酚类化合物和维生素C等抗氧化物质,这些成分有助于清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化和疾病风险。

2. **促进消化**:核桃嫩果含有较多的膳食纤维,可以帮助促进肠道蠕动,缓解便秘问题,同时有助于消化系统的健康。

3. **保护心血管健康**:虽然核桃嫩果中Omega-3脂肪酸的含量不如成熟核桃,但它们仍含有一些对心血管有益的成分,如不饱和脂肪酸,有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,减少心脏病和中风的风险。

4. **增强免疫力**:核桃嫩果中的多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素A、C、E以及钙、镁等,有助于增强人体免疫力。


5. **抗炎作用**:核桃嫩果中的某些成分具有抗炎作用,可能有助于减轻炎症相关的疾病症状。

6. **改善皮肤健康**:核桃嫩果中的抗氧化物质和维生素有助于保护皮肤免受自由基的伤害,改善皮肤健康,减少皮肤问题的发生。

7. **促进神经系统健康**:核桃嫩果中含有的某些成分可能有助于维护神经系统的健康,改善记忆力。




1. **促进消化**:柠檬水中的酸性可以帮助刺激胃液分泌,从而促进消化。


2. **增强免疫力**:柠檬富含维生素C,这是一种强大的抗氧化剂,有助于增强免疫系统。


3. **促进新陈代谢**:柠檬水可以帮助促进新陈代谢,有助于减肥和保持健康体重。

4. **改善口腔健康**:柠檬水可以用来漱口,有助于减少口腔细菌,预防口腔疾病。

5. **改善皮肤健康**:柠檬中的维生素C有助于皮肤保持健康和光泽。

6. **预防肾结石**:柠檬水可以帮助溶解肾结石,预防其形成。

7. **降低高血压**:柠檬中的钾有助于调节血压。

8. **提高铁的吸收**:柠檬中的维生素C有助于提高非血红素铁(主要存在于植物性食物中)的吸收。

9. **减少疲劳感**:柠檬中的天然糖分和电解质有助于补充体力,减少疲劳感。


10. **缓解感冒症状**:柠檬水可以帮助缓解感冒症状,如喉咙痛和咳嗽。


When shaking hands, the wind suddenly noticed that even if the man concealed it well, he was shaking, and his hearing was excellent. She heard the heartbeat and it was not normal. It was really exciting to see her again.

That will be screaming, "The wind is so loud outside that the wind has blown away from the car."
However, when they entered the snow, the off-road vehicle found that the car was made of red gold, and the bulletproof glass was particularly strong. The car was spacious and there were small tables in the seats on both sides, like a small mobile conference room.
The general’s surname is Commander Yang Dan Garrison.
Commander Yang sat down and said, "I was afraid that you would go directly to the insect area and hurry over. It’s still the same sentence. The insect area is dangerous. If there is something wrong with you now, but before the great loss comes, I have sent someone to rescue you. I ordered that Academician Liu be rescued at all costs."
Chapter 349
Feng Xie thanked Commander Yang first and said, "I want Xiao Mo to explore the road first, and we will make a decision after seeing the situation outside the insect area."
"Xiao Mo … is the red power girl outside? Ask her to come in quickly. "
Liu Che said, "She is in a special situation. If her car can collapse."
Yang commander puzzled to ask "what? What’s the matter … "He paused and said," It’s purely curious. If it’s not convenient to disclose any secrets involved, no "
Feng Qing said, "It’s not a secret. Xiao Mo is known as the God of War. Whether it’s fighting strength or body density and weight, it’s a bit overweight. A 50-ton truck can directly crush her."
Commander Yang and two academicians of the Academy of Sciences were shocked.
When the wind is inclined, you can talk while walking on the side of the road when it is urgent.
Commander Yang nodded slightly. From the present situation, it seems that the strength is the weakest at first glance. Actually, the main words and deeds are generous and fearless, and there are not so many vain words and actions. As soon as they come, they are ready to roll up their sleeves and refuse to delay. This is a work that is highly effective and dare to fight. She can bring the team to the capital alive. Commander Yang will never believe that she is a reckless.
He knew better that they had come all the way here, and it was after more than ten years that they brought the information, which was extremely important and urgently needed for the capital, so it was bound to be careful.
It is for these reasons that he didn’t put the affairs department at hand in person and asked about the situation outside without opening his mouth directly. Let them have a general understanding of the situation here in the capital first, otherwise they will be completely blind and don’t know anything. Naturally, he will be careful everywhere to guard against the situation over there, and he will also hide and confess.
Although the capital has a lot of resources, it is not directly covered by virgin forests and snow-capped mountains like the southern province, but it is not much better. The violent earthquake has destroyed the city and the earthquake-resistant 12-storey buildings have not been able to withstand the earthquake. This earthquake is not just a shock.
Commander Yang said, "Did you see deserts and canyons when you came? It was all caused by the earthquake. There was a big crack in the original city. The bottom of the crack was criss-crossed with cracks and caves, which were unfathomable. At present, the depth detected is more than 2,000 meters. More than half of these more than 2,000 meters are water areas, and then there are caves. I don’t know where it leads. Now a bridge has been built on the surface of the big crack, but strange animals often come out of the crack to attack people and vehicles passing by. "
"That’s nothing. When you see that virgin forest, we have regarded it as a grain producing area, especially meat products have to rely on the virgin forest to produce what farms and plantations have nothing before the end of the world." He said to Liu Che, "We all have research records of these animals and plants now. If you are interested in finding Yu Lao", he said, and once again introduced a worker beside Liu Che. "This is Yu Lao who is fifteen this year. Can’t you see it?" This is also a benefit of the last days. If you have the power to rejuvenate and live long, the birth rate of children will be sad. "
Before Liu Che nodded, the wind department also did research in this field, and she meant a few words, which provoked the three people in the car to look straight at Liu Che.
There are many places to study here in the capital, and there are a lot of population resources. Besides, disasters are repeated and adults are not happy. Naturally, we ignore the problem of newborns, that is, we can make IVF technology work in the past two years, and now it is not working.
Commander Yang asked, "I didn’t expect you to have this research? I didn’t know that I didn’t know that. "You know, they said that they had been gone for three years, and the southern province was the entire provincial capital, and the living conditions were even worse, which means that they had this research soon after the disaster.
Liu Che said, "The southern province suffered heavy casualties, but the wind has paid special attention to this aspect. Since the establishment of shelters, 13-year-old children and women with children have been protected. At that time, when there were few people, I became a brick. Where is the demand? Where is the move? Then I set up a record team to do some research and measure some data. What is it that children are actually difficult to conceive or have power protection? Ordinary people are more difficult to conceive than power. Mothers are more likely to conceive power and power need the same attributes, such as animal gene infection and animal base. Because of the infection power, the plant gene infection corresponds to the plant gene infection, which needs to be subdivided. It’s just like lions and tigers can give birth to tigers and lions in tigon, but mice and lions can’t give birth to children. It’s the same reason. This is not absolutely because the population of southern province is limited. We can compare the results with those … This depends on whether the objects in their place can see each other. Some birds and birds are infected and like exotic infections. They are willing to love and don’t want children. We can also see if they can give birth to children and make a data record to argue the contrary … "
Commander Yang asked, "How many newborns do you have there?"
Both the data wind and Liu Che remember clearly and immediately reported it to Commander Yang. There were not many more than 100 a year, and then it increased more than 300 every year.
Liu Che sighed with emotion that "it’s still hard to conceive"
Commander Yang said "very good", which is quite good according to their population proportion. He didn’t talk about giving birth for too long. We’ll talk about it later. He said, "The biggest trouble here in the capital is that this kind of insect lives in the insect area and cultivates its own humus fungus food. According to the experimental samples, the fungi they cultivate are all highly toxic and can produce toxic fog after rotting. Even the power can choke and faint for more than fifteen minutes without treatment, which is almost equal to death. This kind of insect has a viviparous life ranging from birth to the end of the year.
"They can not only reproduce quickly, but also absorb nuclear energy for mutation. The most troublesome thing is that they are good at drilling holes and can easily penetrate rocks and turn them into rotten soil, and their range of activities is constantly approaching the city."
The wind suddenly asked, "Do you have the latest map now?"
Commander Yang happily gave a map to the wind and said, "This is their activity area."
The wind leans to show the map, and Liu Che and Wu are all together, and all three of them hold their breath.
According to the map, the capital, like the Taihu Lake base, is trapped into an island. The old city is full of cracks, and the big cracks tear it into six pieces of different sizes. The periphery of the old and new city is a pest area except the habitat of the original forest and exotic birds.

The exterminator said with a cold face, "Tu Longdao and Eternal Sword are my father, Guo Xiang, the father of Emei Sect. Guo Daxia cast them as a pair of Tu Longdao and Eternal Sword, which should be owned by Emei Sect. There is nothing wrong with me going back to Tu Longdao now."

Several other owners looked at Teacher Extinction with anger in their eyes. What did Teacher Extinction just say? Of course they won’t agree that Tu Longdao is the Emei Sect.
Song Yuanqiao said, "Where is Wudang, Teacher of Extinction? Do you mean important people? Don’t say that even if your ancestor Guo Xiang met my master, you should be courteous. Are you relying on the support of other heads to come here so boldly today? "
Teacher Extinction angrily said, "I need someone else to support Teacher Extinction? What a joke! "
"Song Yuanqiao, the martial arts master of the extinction, is willing to learn a few tricks." Song Yuanqiao drew a sword and said to the extinction teacher.
Wang Yuexiao said to the extinction teacher, "Master, don’t rely on heavenly sword. Let your brother do it for you in this battle."
Teacher Extinction is no match for Song Yuanqiao.
The extermination teacher won, and the two families will be disgraced by then.
When the sword is drawn, it will see blood.
Eternal Sword is too strong, and the first-class fighters can’t stand it.
Wang Yue came out before the extinction teacher spoke, saying, "Song Daxia wants to learn Emei martial arts, but there is no problem. He has long admired Wudang martial arts, so I will take it for my master."
Song Yuanqiao said with anger in his eyes, "Well, I didn’t think you, a little brother of Emei Sect, would dare to fight with me. In that case, don’t blame me for bullying Song Yuanqiao."
Zhang Sanfeng took a look at Wang Yue sitting in the main seat. The heart andao this little baby’s simple skills and fencing have reached a high level.
Wang Yue drew a sword and stabbed Song Yuanqiao one step at a time.
Wang Yue behind with a series of ghosting speed to the extreme.
Song Yuanqiao was shocked in his heart. "So fast!"
Several other owners’ eyes were also shocked.
Song Yuanqiao’s drawn sword blocked Wang Yue’s sword.
The shock wave broke out, and everyone around him was hurt by the shock wave.
Song Yuanqiao was shocked by the powerful force and slid backwards for seven meters. Wang Yue also retreated a few steps.
Wang Yue’s true qi has no color like clear water, which is because his true qi has no attribute, while Song Yuanqiao’s true qi is yellowish with strong masculine attack power, which is several times stronger than Wang Yue’s true qi.
The first time they met, they were evenly matched.
The back of Wang Yue’s hand was numb with shock, and he said in his heart, "It is said that Song Yuanqiao is the strongest martial arts among the Wudang Seven Heroes. It seems that he deserves his name. If my body is pure and my bones and muscles are strong, I will lose this time."
"Wudang’s pure Yang skill is really amazing."
It’s incredible that Wang Yue found that the purity of Song Yuanqiao’s true qi was still in his true qi.
Is the pure yang qi cultivated by pure yang skill really so powerful?
"Come again!"
Wang Yue attacked Song Yuanqiao with footwork and basic swordsmanship.
Song Yuanqiao Wudang fencing easily blocked Wang Yue’s sword.
Song Yuanqiao is very familiar with the basic swordsmanship. It is naturally impossible for Wang Yue to win this swordsmanship.
"Basic swordsmanship?" Song Yuanqiao sneered, "Wang Yue, do you Emei Sect have basic swordsmanship?"
Wang Yue sneered, "Basic swordsmanship is enough for you."
Although Wang Yue’s swordsmanship changed, it was still the basic swordsmanship, but it was faster and weirder.
All Wang Yue’s strength is blessed with a long sword, and every time he comes out with a sword, his strength is very great.
It’s scary that a sword wields cutting gas to produce a huge sonic boom.
"Give me back!"
Wang Yue drinks a sword and the power is superimposed again.
"Click" Song Yuanqiao’s sword was broken and his body was shaken back more than ten steps.
Wang Yue’s sword turned into a sword of light and the tip of the sword reached Song Yuanqiao’s throat.
Song Yuanqiao came to admit that he was dead. I didn’t expect Wang Yue to stop at the end.
The speed of the sword reaches the extreme. Is it as powerful as the speed? Can Wang Yue stop the sword in a flash?
Zhang Sanfeng saw Wang Yue’s fencing and was surprised. "I didn’t expect this little baby fencing to be nuanced."
"You lost," said Wang Yue.
Song Yuanqiao touched his neck and said, "I’m still alive?"
Zhang Sanfeng said at this time, "Far Bridge, you lost."
Song Yuanqiao fuels and says, "Emei sect’s martial arts are really losing."
The extinction teacher smiled and didn’t expect Wang Yue to win Song Yuanqiao, which made her feel very good.
Zhang Cuishan came out at this time and said, "Don’t give my master and brother any more trouble. Your important person is me. If there is anything in Zhang Cuishan, please come at me."
"Xie Xun is my righteous brother. I can’t betray him. Otherwise, wouldn’t I be a righteous man in Zhang Cuishan? But today, I will give you an explanation that Zhang Cuishan can die! "
Zhang Cuishan drew a long sword and cut it in the neck. Blood flowed out and vitality quickly lost.
It all happened so fast that even Zhang Sanfeng didn’t stop it.
Zhang Sanfeng held Zhang Cuishan’s powerful pure yang qi and lost it to Zhang Cuishan, but it still couldn’t save his life.

A little local ruffians and hooligans got mixed up in this situation, and forged academic qualifications, resumes and sources of personal property. Not only were these not investigated, but it was logical to let him take up his post and have worked for more than a year.

Irony? Is it dark? !
A little ruffian and hooligan actually got into the top priority of the judicial system, falsifying academic qualifications, falsifying resumes and falsifying the source of personal property. Not only were these not investigated, but it was logical to let him take up his post and join the work for more than a year.
After listening to Fu Xiaohao’s words, the old cat was completely angry. He suppressed his eyes for a long time and asked, "Who is the person who works for this Xue Gang?"
"Xin Hui is the vice president of Chongdu Court. He just fled a few days ago and should be back to the district." Fu Xiaohao answered.
"Does he dare to go back to the district?" The old cat raised her eyebrows and scolded, "He is really not afraid of death!"
"No, it’s not that simple. I spoke on the plane and inquired about Xinhui. He has his uncle in the area and is a teacher in a war zone." Fu Xiaohao immediately explained, "He certainly won’t defect, but someone must be watching over him in the area."
A dirty shady arson case made the old cat want to vomit. After a long silence at the window, he said, "I’ll go to Xiao Yu, and you can continue to interrogate Yang Fengli. If you find out that there are people involved in the case, you can do it for me directly without reporting it. And that Xue Gang has to be included in the arrest list immediately. He probably ran to the other side of the seventh district, and he can’t get away with it. Are you white?"
"I see" Fu Xiaohao nodded.
At nine o’clock in the morning, the old cat arrived at the hospital and looked at Zhu Wei who had just woken up in the ward.
"How do you feel?" The old cat asked in a low voice
Zhu Wei lying in bed with sallow face replied, "I can’t die … but … but I can’t drink with you after my liver was removed."
When the old cat heard this, she felt distressed, but the surface still replied with a big smile, "Hehe, fuck you, it’s fatty liver every day. Forget it, I won’t ask you to work overtime. I’ll do it for you."
Zhu Wei looked at his old brother and smiled. "Don’t worry, leave me a life to get married and live up to my daughter-in-law. That’s good …"
When the old cat heard this, he grabbed Zhu Wei’s wrist. "Don’t do those risky things later. I’m not a guy with boiling blood …"
Zhu Wei nodded heavily.
five minutes later
The old cat explained the case clearly to Qin Yu in the corridor and immediately asked, "What do you think about this matter when it comes to the district?"
"Xiaowei is in a coma. I stayed here for two days and didn’t go anywhere. Do you know what?" Qin Yu asked with a straight face.
Chapter 231 Special case office
Listening to Qin Yu’s words, the old cat in the corridor understood his meaning in seconds.
"I stayed here for two days because I was afraid that Zhu Wei couldn’t carry this heart and miss him; Secondly, I have to tell Zhu Wei, a native of Chuanfu, what feelings I have. This matter must be dealt with harshly, "Qin Yu said at the old cat." The arson case and the case of buying and selling official positions should be handled separately. You must be fully prepared to go to the district to arrest people according to the normal process. Since we want to govern Chuanfu according to law, we must also handle the case according to law. "
"I’m white," the old cat nodded.
After determining the direction, they talked in the corridor for more than 20 minutes, and no one else knew exactly.
After the old cat got Qin Yu’s instructions, she was confident that she would handle the arson case quickly.
Fu Xiaohao specializes in investigating arson. On the day when Yang Fengli was arrested, the police headquarters personally went to the police and arrested nine people involved in the case. But to tell the truth, although these people committed crimes, they actually knew very little about the details of the case. They didn’t even know that they had participated in the arson case in Tianmen Prison before the incident. They took Yang Fengli to give money and played the role of running errands to help the gangsters escape.
After the crime, these people all ran away, but the criminals were all connected with each other, and their criminal methods were quite amateur. One of them was arrested immediately and turned out to be a tribal network where other suspects were involved overnight.
After the people involved were arrested, Fu Xiaohao tried to improve the evidence chain and gradually submitted the materials to the procuratorate, but the prosecution court did not dare to neglect them. They also heard that Commander-in-Chief Qin was kept in the hospital for two days because of the injury of Deputy Director Zhu Wei. Now, how many senior officials in Sichuan can let the Commander-in-Chief accompany him? The two judicial institutions directly started the special case process to prepare for quick trial and judgment.
At the same time, the old cat has also taken the task force secretly to the district to prepare to arrest Xinhui, the main person who sells official positions.
Zhang Tian Lan Yan and other brothers in a cemetery in Luhuai, District 7 are burning paper for the dead Laojiu.
After everyone was busy, Li Bokang turned his back to Zhang Tian and asked, "Did you carry the body all the way back?"
Chapter day turned back and said, "It’s taking turns to carry him back."
"Your feelings are quite deep" Li Bokang nodded approvingly.
"If one of our own people doesn’t have a sense of trust in this kind of work, something will happen sooner or later." Zhang Tian looked at Laojiu’s new grave with some red eyes and said, "… we have been together for many years and retired after finishing this order."
"Alas," Li Bokang sighed, stretched out his hand and patted Zhang Tian’s arm and said, "Look at this life in this era!"
Zhang Tian didn’t respond.
"I’ve let the money hit your account," Li Bokang said.
Zhang Tian looked at Laojiu’s grave and remembered Fu Zhen’s figure. "Li Ge is not only about money now, but Laojiu has no old seven, and the old six is disabled. I have made an enemy with the opposite side."
Li Bokang looked at him. "Then stay."
"I can stay, but I work for you, and I am not a political party." Zhang Tian said the conditions
"Well" Li Bokang nodded heavily.
After the communication, a mountain will be stepped.
late night
Zhou Xingli personally met Li Bokang at the headquarters and praised him without stint, but Li Bokang didn’t feel much about this attitude of love. He smiled and took the initiative to change the subject.
After they finished talking about kirill, Zhou Xingli put in his hand and asked, "What do you think of the future situation?"
Li Bokang shook his head while drinking tea. "This question is too big for me to answer."
"Haha, yes, who can really see through the sky because of the complexity of the three major Chinese areas?" Zhou Xingli not only didn’t feel unhappy, but continued to ask with mirth. "What do you think of our future in the week?"
Li Bokang put the teacup and said "wait" lightly.
Zhou Xingli pondered a Li Bokang’s words carefully and nodded slowly. "Wait … Yes, we really have to wait."
"Later, I don’t suggest a confrontation with the ninth district of Chuanfu District. If necessary, Zhou can make some concessions." Li Bokang said softly, "… My personal opinion is to put the direct contradictions and struggles on the table and leave a certain buffer zone."
Zhou Xingli nodded slowly. "You go on."

They smell speech have turned to unload their backpacks and twist the kettle water bag to pour water into the red-haired old man. The surface temperature of the red-haired old man’s mutilated body is very Takashimizu. After spilling it, the fog rises, but fortunately, after spilling a lot of water, it finally disappears.

"It wants to show its true colors." Mu Zhuifeng pointed to the red-haired old man, whose limbs were disabled. Naturally, his facial features could not be changed, but his mouth and nose were getting longer and his head was getting flatter. However, it turned into a fantasy but it didn’t succeed because the three imperial swords behind him blocked his aura of the highest day.
I frowned and nodded and quickly swept to the bronze square table where the red-haired old man placed the sundries. I picked up the bundle of imperial edicts of Qin Huangda, which made the bamboo slips made of different materials and easy to distinguish.
After a quick imperial edict and a quick search, four ancient seal characters came into my eyes!
"Shit, that’s too bad." I turned and swept back.
Mu Zhuifeng and Ye Aofeng looked at me doubtfully and naturally asked me why I was so nervous.
"It’s a five-tailed stork." I handed the bamboo slip to Mu Zhuifeng.
"Is this so good?" Mu Zhuifeng took a glance at the bamboo slips and handed them to Ye Aofeng.
I frowned and shook my head and didn’t speak. In ancient times, the stork called the chicken three feet square. The stork was neat in Vulpix, and the red-haired old man turned out to be a stork, and the five tails were one step away from the phoenix. No wonder it emitted smoke. It was originally intended to be reborn from nirvana.
"What should I do?" Ye Aofeng threw away the bamboo slips and asked, "Normally, he wouldn’t take the initiative to ask me for advice, but at this time, it’s unusual. Once the Chi-Fang oil is cut off, it will spill and burn violently. This stork can be born again and fear the flame, but we can’t."
"Let me think." I raised my hand to signal everyone not to worry and quickly think about countermeasures from their minds.
We’ve really stirred up a big basket this time. This guy is an immortal monster. We treat him like this. It’s strange that he doesn’t fight us hard after he’s reborn, and we dare not kill him. When he dies, the oil will fall. Besides, we can’t kill him. Even if his head is cut off, he can still be reborn from the fire.
"How much water is there?" I turned and asked the mercenaries
"Not much," said one of the mercenaries.
"Drag it to the door." I rushed the mercenaries to reach a new order. The mercenaries took out ropes and tied them around to pull the five-tailed stork outside the card.
On the way, the five-tailed stork tried to spontaneously ignite again, which was alleviated by the mercenaries’ clear water.
"What the fuck is going on?" King Kong cannon dragged the five-tailed stork back in amazement as we dragged the dead pig.
"You go to that pool to get water, and if it smokes, you cool it down." I said to the King Kong cannon that there was a pool in the Red Dragon Macaca that I had previously removed by half, and now there are some left. In addition, I moved the five-tailed stork to Kashimen and dared not throw it into the pool because I was afraid that once its breath was out of this Kaka square machine, it would start and drag it here for the convenience of the King Kong cannon to get water and cool it down.
"What is it?" The king kong cannon can’t bear to look at the five-tailed stork with broken limbs.
"Something that can kill you" I grumpily answered my pain killer, but he pretended to be a good person for me.
"I’ll get water." King Kong Bao said and turned to go.
"Wait, no, you go, brothers." I waved and stopped him from taking water and cooling it to the mercenary King Kong cannon. He was fooled by the five-tailed stork chicken earlier, and he just showed a kind expression, which made me afraid to let him continue to undertake this.
Mercenaries agreed to turn around and run to the pool not far away. The pool is not far from the card. They can win this.
"There isn’t much water in it, and it won’t last long." Mu Zhuifeng said that there is no water source in Kari Pool, a red macaque. I have removed most of the water left before, and those really won’t last long.
"Let’s go to one for four!"
I hesitated for a moment and made a bold decision.
"Looking back" Ye Aofeng shook his head and said that he was worried that I was in a hurry to get rid of it, which was very dangerous.
"I don’t want you to be burned to death." When I turned and stepped forward, my heart was extremely sour. What I didn’t say about us was that you were killed because I had half a leg in the coffin.
There is no better way for the three of us to act according to my way, but then we will have a time limit, that is, before the remaining clear water in the pool is exhausted, we must kill a fierce beast to protect the tomb, and at the same time ensure the integrity of Kashimen …
Chapter 514 Men in black
According to my habit, I will never rush forward before the retreat is smooth, but now I have to change this law. For one thing, I can’t afford to kill, and for another, the status quo can’t look back at it.
"When the monkey plucks its hair, it doesn’t set itself on fire?" The king kong cannon popped out from my left side.
I squinted at the king kong gun and didn’t answer his question. At this time, I already felt the strength of my limbs, as if every time I lost a trace of residual life. In this case, I naturally didn’t bother to answer the king kong gun nonsense.
"It’s not true that the phoenix’s rebirth will weaken its repair, and it’s not willing to burn so many ancient Oracle bones," Mu Zhuifeng replied.
"Xiao Jiu, you have tried your best. If you are not sure of winning, let’s quit for a while. We can detour out from the narrow valley where Candle Jiuyin is located." Mu Zhuifeng paused for a long time and said that the poisonous deep valley where Candle Jiuyin is located also showed a trend of left width and right width. Mu Zhuifeng means that we can take advantage of the unilateral stone wall to sweep back to the other side from the narrow place.
Her words made my heart cool again. Although she said it was true, it also implied some dissatisfaction. Recently, my attitude towards King Kong Gun was quite bad. Not only was I too lazy to talk to him, but I also kicked him down in front of everyone. These pursuits were all in my eyes. Although she didn’t say anything on the surface, King Kong Gun was her husband after all. In her opinion, my attitude towards King Kong Gun was bad because I felt unbalanced in my heart or I felt fear and a little regret after experiencing many dangerous cards.
"Sixth Senior Sister, do you think I will quit?" I turned my face to look after the wind, and I didn’t blame it. My mood did fluctuate greatly before, and everyone would wonder if I regretted shrinking.
Mu Zhuifeng hesitated for a long time after hearing my words, and finally there was no mouth to stretch out his hand and pat me on the back.
This move of hers has taken away the coolness in my heart. In fact, the yearning for chasing after the wind has always called me Xiao Jiu, not because I ranked last in Ziyang No.9 Middle School, but because she was nearly 20 years older than me in the past life. In ancient times, she was ten years old, which was the gap between generations. My little younger brother, who had gone through a lot of hardships before joining the mountain gate, was always caring and caring. Even now, the yearning for chasing after the wind has always been my sister’s attitude and indulged me in fooling around with King Kong cannons.
Recalling the past, all kinds of hearts surged. Even so, I still didn’t say anything. The verbal expression was too shallow.
Soon the four of them came to the outside of Kashimen, and I extended my aura and pressed the knock on the door. We can’t hesitate, even if the fierce beasts inside protect the tomb are severe, we have to bite the bullet.
After knocking on the door, I feel extremely nervous. I care not whether the fierce beast guarding the tomb is cruel, but whether it will take the initiative to break the stone gate. We dare not destroy it because it is our life-saving symbol. The damage of the stone gate will make us avoid the subsequent flame transpiration.
"Once Shimen is opened, make the magic formula go in and don’t fall to the ground after entering." I rushed three people while waiting.
Three people smell speech frowned, but finally nodded in agreement. Although they were all frowning, their minds and thoughts were definitely different. Ye Aofeng’s frown was not willing to give up. He left the two mercenaries to admire the wind and frown. It was because she had already seen that I would sacrifice Lin Yicheng and mercenaries when necessary, and Kong Bao’s frown might be because I didn’t understand why he was always cautious. I was so reckless this time.
In all fairness, these mercenaries have fought with me for such a long time, and I am not willing to sacrifice them. I have known Lin Yicheng and Mei Zhu for a long time, and it makes me feel sad to watch them die. But compared with the pursuit of the wind, these people can give up, and I can even give up myself. What’s worse, they are.
Fortunately, the four people didn’t wait long for Shimen to start, and the shortest time from pressing the stepping stone to Shimen’s opening was less than three minutes among all cards.
At this moment, it sounds to me as wonderful as the sound of nature. The stone gate is not fast, but the left and right doors are opened at the same time. When the stone gate has not been opened yet, I quickly turned to look at the three people next to me. I first looked at Mu Zhuifeng, then Ye Aofeng and finally the King Kong cannon.