
1. **润肺止咳**:冰糖具有养阴生津、润肺止咳的功效,适用于肺燥咳嗽、干咳无痰或咳痰带血等症状。金桔性微温,味甘、酸,入肺经、胃经,有润肺、止咳、化痰的作用,二者结合可以增强润肺止咳的效果。


2. **辅助治疗阴虚肺燥型咳嗽**:冰糖炖金桔对阴虚肺燥型咳嗽有一定的辅助治疗作用,如咳嗽少痰、痰中带血、五心烦热、潮热盗汗等症状。

3. **健胃化痰**:金桔富含膳食纤维、维生素C、维生素B族和各种矿物质,能够健脾开胃、健胃消食、化痰。


4. **预防心血管病变和癌症**:金桔中的维生素C和维生素P可以预防心血管病变和癌症,同时有助于强化微血管弹性。

5. **理气、健胃、化痰**:金桔具有理气、健胃、化痰的功效,对于哮喘及支气管炎等呼吸系统疾病有一定的预防作用。

6. **美容养颜**:金桔中的维生素C和A可以预防色素沉淀,增进皮肤光泽与弹性,减缓衰老,避免肌肤松弛生皱。

7. **增强免疫力**:金桔中的维生素C和维生素P有助于增强免疫系统,提高身体抵抗力。


1. 将金桔洗净,用小刀在两头切个小十字口。
2. 干净无油的锅内倒入冰糖和清水,开始煮沸,直到糖融化。
3. 倒入切好口的金桔,大火煮沸后转小火焖煮30分钟至半透明状态。
4. 关火静置至彻底冷却,即可食用。



1. **补充营养,增强免疫力**:野木瓜片含有丰富的碳水化合物、蛋白质、水分、多糖、维生素以及脂肪酸、氨基酸等营养物质,这些成分对人体的正常生理活动至关重要。长期食用可以帮助增强体质,提高身体抵抗力。

2. **消食祛风,清热驱虫**:根据中医理论,野木瓜性温味酸,对于肝经和脾经有益,可以消食、祛风、清热以及驱虫。对于消化不良、湿疹、寄生虫病、手脚痉挛、胃痛、肺热干咳、乳汁不畅等症状有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **美容养颜**:野木瓜中含有的维生素C和木瓜酶有助于肌肤的代谢,促进肌肤的新陈代谢,有助于溶解毛孔中的皮脂及老化角质,使肌肤明亮、清新。

4. **护肝脾,防辐射**:野木瓜具有护肝脾的功效,有助于改善肝脏功能,增强肝脏解毒能力。同时,野木瓜还具有防辐射的作用,对于长期接触电子辐射的人群有一定的保护作用。

5. **减肥瘦身**:野木瓜中的木瓜酵素可以帮助分解脂肪,有助于减肥瘦身,减少体内赘肉,促进新陈代谢。

6. **促进乳腺发育,通乳**:对于女性来说,野木瓜中含有的木瓜酶有助于乳腺发育,对于孕妇和产妇来说,食用野木瓜可以增加乳汁分泌。


7. **抗癌作用**:野木瓜中的番木瓜碱具有抗癌功效,能够阻断人体致癌物质亚硝胺的合成,对淋巴性白血病细胞具有强烈的抗癌活性。

8. **促进消化,预防便秘**:野木瓜中的乳状液汁含有木瓜蛋白酶,能够分解蛋白质,有助于消化肉类蛋白质,减轻胃肠的工作量,预防便秘,并可能降低消化系统癌变的风险。



1. **改善睡眠质量**:酸枣仁和茯苓都具有镇静安神的作用,能够帮助改善失眠症状,提高睡眠质量,尤其对于因心血不足、心神失养而导致的失眠有显著疗效。

2. **缓解压力和疲劳**:酸枣仁百合茯苓茶能够缓解因工作或学习压力引起的神经紧张,消除疲劳,有助于恢复体力。

3. **养心安神**:其中的酸枣仁和百合具有养阴安神、宁心解郁的功效,有助于缓解精神恍惚和情绪烦躁。

4. **健脾利湿**:茯苓具有健脾利湿、祛湿健脾的作用,有助于改善脾湿引起的小便不利、水肿胀痛、大便不成形和食欲不振等问题。

5. **促进消化**:酸枣仁茯苓茶有助于促进消化,改善消化不良的情况。

6. **调节机体代谢**:长期饮用酸枣仁茯苓茶可以促进机体新陈代谢,有助于改善脂肪代谢。


7. **增强免疫力**:茶饮中的多种中药成分有助于增强人体免疫力,降低患病几率。

8. **美容养颜**:酸枣仁茯苓茶有助于减缓皮肤衰老,减少皱纹的产生,促进褪黑素的自然分泌,降低癌变几率。

9. **辅助治疗**:对于阴虚久嗽、痰中带血等症状,酸枣仁百合茯苓茶也有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **调理身体**:白萝卜性凉,具有清热、解毒、消痰、止咳的功效。对于肝火旺盛、肺热等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **增强免疫力**:白萝卜含有丰富的维生素C和多种抗氧化物质,如β-胡萝卜素和硒等,这些成分有助于增强人体免疫力,抵御疾病。

3. **促进消化**:白萝卜中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,缓解便秘等问题。同时,白萝卜中的纤维酶有助于分解蛋白质,促进食物的消化和吸收。

4. **降低血糖**:白萝卜具有一定的降低血糖作用,适合糖尿病患者食用。

5. **抗氧化作用**:白萝卜中的抗氧化物质可以中和自由基,减少细胞的氧化损伤,有助于预防癌症、老化等慢性疾病。

6. **改善血液循环**:白萝卜中的维生素C有助于增强血管弹性和韧性,促进血液循环。芥子油具有抗凝血和降低胆固醇的作用,有助于预防心血管疾病。

7. **解酒毒和煤气中毒**:白萝卜具有一定的解毒作用,可以解酒毒、煤气中毒等。


8. **辅助戒烟**:白萝卜可以帮助戒烟。

9. **美容养颜**:白萝卜富含维生素C和胡萝卜素,对皮肤有很好的保养作用,能够抵御自由基的侵害,增强皮肤弹性。

10. **其他用途**:白萝卜还可以用来治疗高血压、咳嗽痰多、胸闷、怕冷等症状,以及作为食疗用于预防感冒、雾霾等。

– 不要去皮食用,因为萝卜皮中含有很多营养和保健成分。
– 不要用盐挤掉萝卜汁,以免维生素C和部分矿物质流失。



1. **药用价值**:
– **桂花花**:具有散寒破结、化痰止咳的功效,可用于治疗牙痛、咳喘痰多、经闭腹痛等症状。
– **桂花果**:有暖胃、平肝、散寒的作用,适用于虚寒胃痛。
– **桂花根**:有祛风湿、散寒的作用,用于风湿筋骨疼痛、腰痛、肾虚牙痛等症。
– **桂花枝叶**:煎汁敷患处,可活筋骨止疼痛,治风湿麻木等症。



2. **食品用途**:
– **桂花茶**:可强肌滋肤,活血润喉,适用于皮肤干燥、声音沙哑、牙痛等症。


– **桂花食品**:桂花常用于糕点、蜜饯、糖果、茶、酒等食品的添加,增加香气和风味。
– **桂花酒**:色泽金黄,酒味芳香醇厚,有舒筋活血、帮助消化、增加热量、增进食欲、解除疲劳等功效。

3. **美容养颜**:
– 桂花具有美容养颜、护肤的功效,经常饮用桂花茶可改善皮肤状况。
– 桂花与麻油一起蒸熟,可制作面脂,用于美容护肤。

4. **情绪舒缓**:
– 桂花茶独特的花香有助于舒缓情绪,消除沮丧,平衡身心情绪,缓和精神压力。

5. **环保作用**:
– 桂花对氯气、二氧化硫、氟化氢等有害气体有一定的抗性,还有较强的吸滞粉尘的能力,常被用于城市及工矿区,对改善生态环境有积极作用。

6. **其他用途**:
– 桂花晒干后可冲茶,具有清香提神的功效。
– 桂花可制作成桂花藕粉,味美且开胃。
– 桂花可制作成桂花蜜枣,具有健脾开胃的效果。



1. **补气养血**:红枣含有丰富的糖类、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素以及多种矿物质,具有补气养血的功效。对于贫血、疲劳、体虚等症状有较好的改善作用。

2. **健脾养胃**:红枣具有健脾养胃的作用,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等有很好的食疗效果。中医常用红枣与生姜、半夏等食材同用,治疗胃炎等消化系统疾病。

3. **润肺止咳**:红枣具有润肺止咳的作用,适用于咳嗽、喉咙干燥等症状。可以单独食用,也可以与其他食材如枸杞、蜂蜜等搭配。


4. **护肝养胃**:红枣中的环磷酸腺苷能够增强心肌收缩、改善心肌营养、抑制血小板凝聚等,对肝脏有益,有助于保护肝脏健康。

5. **美容养颜**:红枣含有丰富的维生素C、维生素P和环磷酸腺苷等,能促进皮肤细胞代谢,促进皮下血液循环,防止色素沉着,使皮肤白皙细腻,毛发光润。

6. **调节免疫**:红枣中含有多种维生素和矿物质,能提高人体免疫功能,增强抗病能力。

7. **抗衰老**:红枣中的维生素C和维生素E具有抗氧化作用,可以有效中和自由基,减缓衰老过程。

8. **预防便秘**:红枣含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,有助于清理肠道垃圾和有害物质。

9. **保护心血管健康**:红枣中的钾、镁、铁等微量元素对保护心血管健康和预防贫血有显著功效。钾有助于调节心脏节律,防止高血压和心脏病的发生。

10. **缓和药性**:红枣常被用于药性剧烈的药方中,以减少烈性药的副作用,并保护正气。

11. **安神助眠**:红枣具有安神的作用,适用于晚上睡眠不好或心神不宁的人。


When you touch diamonds, you become diamonds. When you touch jadeite, you become jadeite. When you touch cement, you become cement. When you touch rubber, you become rubber!

And just then Steve threw his golden shield at Creaer.
Goofy was dumbfounded at first sight.
It’s a pity that nothing can come. Zhen Jindun has hit the absorber.
Absorbing people is quite cunning-first, absorbing the sofa material into a fluffy sponge person, which makes the vibration gold shield method rebound, remove Steve’s strength, successfully get the vibration gold shield, and then directly absorb the vibration gold and become a vibration gold person composed of vibration gold!
Bang bang!
"Absorbing people" Karl Creaer proudly knocked on his own body and Kim Joo-sung smiled and said, "This material is good and makes me feel full of power! I like this material! "
Steve Rogers was shocked in hindsight. "He can absorb everything that comes into contact with materials? !”
"That’s true," Goofy nodded. "Now we are facing a monster made entirely of Zhenjin …"
"Emperor …" Steve depressed unceasingly "this power is too difficult to deal with! Goofy, you should know the power of Zhen Jin. "
Goofy certainly knows the power of Zhen Jin and a body made of Zhen Jin-it’s simply an illusion and a Ultron-level body.
"It’s really tricky," Goofy nodded in recognition.
"We have to find a way to change his material to deal with a man covered in gold. We have almost no chance of winning," Steve frowned.
"Not necessarily," Goofy shook his fist optimistically. "We have a 3% chance to kill him."
Chapter 293 Absorb people
Steve doesn’t understand why goofy optimism has a 3% chance to beat him.
How is this 3% calculated?
"Goofy, what do you think?" Steve low asked.
Goofy doesn’t have time to communicate with him without saying anything!
Although "absorbing people" Karl Creaer can change his own material, his strength is not too good. He flies high. I remember that Creaer’s strength and agility are similar to other materials, but the strength and agility brought by vibrating gold are limited
In strength and agility, Gao Fei completed a double crush on Creaer and easily knocked him to the ground.
Riding in Creaer, flying high, punching directly, he punches as fast as lightning, and every punch hits Creaer in the face.
"The skills! Skills! Skills! The skills … "
Goofy can’t believe that he can’t brush this 3%KO fist while he is playing.
Creaer, who fell to the ground, was ravaged by Goofy, but his face didn’t have the slightest painful expression. Instead, this guy was very leisurely and laughed and said, "Officer Goofy, I know you are a powerful and super-capable person, but please use your head. Your flesh and blood can’t hurt me. I just absorbed the material, which is obviously indestructible …"
The success trigger skill of flying high without falling.
A show is different from the first few punches flips to Carl Creaer on the spot.
"Done" Goofy patted his ass and said to Steve with a smile.
Creaer, who absorbed Zhenjin, gradually turned back to normal after syncope. He was a magic power in syncope.
Steve looked at Goofy stupidly.
"What happened just now? You actually knocked out the person who strengthened the structure of Zhenjin? "
Goofy doesn’t care. "There’s nothing difficult in this world. I’m afraid of a willing heart."
"What the hell? !” Steve had a black line on his face. "Did you quietly use any black technology?"
Goofy just punched at that level, even it was difficult to stun the green goblin, right? What took care of Jin Zhenren with one punch?
"Er … sort of." Goofy smiled mysteriously. "Anyway, the suspect was finally arrested."
It was not until Creaer was sent to Ravencraft madhouse that this guy gradually woke up and flew high. The weight of that punch just now was too heavy for Creaer to bear.
After waking up, Creaer looked up and saw flying high across from him. Unfortunately, at this time, two people, one in prison and the other outside.
"You finally wake up, Mr. Creaer. You can really sleep." Goofy smiled. "I’ve been waiting for you here for more than half an hour, and my legs are almost unconscious."
"It’s impossible! ! !” Carl Creaer root can’t believe it. He has become so hard. Why is he still pushed by Goofy?
There is something wrong with this play!
There is a big problem!
"How did you stun me? I was invincible at that time! "
"Don’t be so confident, Mr. Creaer." Goofy shook his head. "No one is invincible. You will always meet someone stronger than you … and I happen to be a stronger person than you."

At this time, the nine-year-old Cao Zhengchun, who is inclined to heaven in the future, is not the governor of the East Factory, but he has already been accepted by the current governor, and he is extremely good at observing and feeling, pleasing the Lord’s heart and practicing for forty or fifty years. It is a matter of time that the children’s power amplifier of the highest day is hard to meet the enemy and become a red man around the emperor.

The first plot of the day is also exhibited with the struggle between Hulong Mountain Villa and Dongchang.
At the same time, this year is about ten years away from the real drama exhibition.
With the high rank, the experimenters can generally prolong their stay in the fantasy world, which is obviously to practice when they are relatively adequate.
Turn your attention back to yourself Qin Changfeng thinks about how to solve the current problem.
Speaking of it, it’s also because of the first layer of special effects of Bro’dee Walker’s title. A brain arranged for him to be the junior brother of Shaolin in this world
Because Shaolin in this world is not in the same strain as Tianlong and Eternal Shaolin, its status has not been upgraded. In this world, Shaolin has a very low sense of feeling, and only a few people, such as the abbot, come out to make a soy sauce, so the benefits this status can bring are too little. Plus, he really feels a little interested in being a monk, so he directly denies the priority of being a Buddhist brother, so that the brain can rearrange his status.
In fact, the title of Bro’dee Walker has many hidden effects that need to be explored. For example, the brain does not refuse to give priority to Buddhism. After all, he does not designate a certain force but does not give priority to Buddhism.
The first stage special effects description of the title of Bro’dee Walker is to obtain the status of a low-level member of a certain justice force, and after the change of the brain, it is directly arranged into the Royal Guards.
It’s not that he is obsessed with whether the Royal Guards represent justice, but that there is a struggle between the Dragon Villa and the East Factory in the original work. The Royal Guards, a once famous institution, has almost never appeared, which proves that the influence of the Royal Guards is relatively weak in this world!
However, it is not easy for even a weak Royal Guards to sit in a thousand seats.
Now, he, the little flag bearer, is in charge of ten ordinary royal guards, from seven to thousands, and hundreds of people are in charge of four levels from the fifth middle school.
And he, the so-called aristocratic brother of the Royal Guards, is actually a family that has worked as a Royal Guards for three generations, but the biggest official position is that the general flag is one level higher than the small flag, and an orphan friend has little social help.
No matter how high martial arts is, it is not very helpful for a promotion. After all, killing people can make them a wanted man instead of being appreciated by the emperor.
"that brain has arrange such a first stage. what’s the purpose? What will it be if the second stage is completed? "
This release method is rather strange, but one thing is certain, that is, no matter how wonderful or incredible the second stage theory is, it will definitely be related to the first stage, otherwise it will be meaningless for the main brain to release it in stages.
Now guessing the second stage will help him decide how to complete the first stage, so that he can complete the follow-up test and lay a foundation.
"The weak situation of the Royal Guards will make me climb, so it is very likely that the Royal Guards will rise in this world, and the Dragon Villa and the East Factory will form a tripartite confrontation?"
"If that’s the case, the higher my official position in the Royal Guards, the better. It’s best to actually control the whole Royal Guards!"
"And it’s also helpful for me to find Gu Santong in the prison to seek the indestructible magic of this world. If there is a town governor in Beizhen who makes such an official position, I can find it in a cell in the prison …"
Meditation Qin Changfeng heart gradually have a preliminary plan.
After carefully reviewing the whole plan in his mind and making sure that it was at least 70% feasible, he got up, adjusted his whole flying fish robe, picked up the table and embroidered the spring knife and went out in the direction of the palace.
He is going to find the only good father-in-law Sun in this identity … At present, there is also this person who can make efforts.
On the way, he inevitably recalled some of the world’s more powerful martial arts, such as dominating the sky, three knives in the nose, killing the gods with one knife, snowing people, indestructible magic, magic sword and so on.
A prominent feature of martial arts in this world is that all moves are powerful. For example, returning to the sea with one knife and one knife, and moving to Japan with Liu Shengjia’s swordsmanship are all such moves. The power of these moves can often make up for the power gap. Only the four young spies can become first-class masters in the Jianghu.
To tell the truth, this kind of Wushu is obviously more suitable for becoming a skill. After all, highlighting is an amazing power.
Qin Changfeng, the imperial city, went in openly now, and he didn’t dive in. He just found a little eunuch who went out of the palace to buy it, and gave him a corner of broken silver to give the grandfather Sun a message.
Qin Changfeng met the eunuch in a remote alley outside the imperial city when the sun was going down. As soon as he met him, he held the orchid finger and said in a duck-like voice, "Oh, I said Qin Xiaoqi, you called our house out so late, but what’s the big event?"
Qin Changfeng put a glittering and translucent diamond in the past without coloring and smiled. "I have something important to see Cao Gonggong and ask him to introduce me."
This diamond is a local product in the dark world, except for its beautiful appearance. Qin Changfeng estimated that when it will be there, dozens of tablets will be stuffed into it. In fact, many testers will do this and say that they don’t want to talk … Once they die, they will get the bloody key. These sundries can also reduce their chances of extracting props.
However, usually, although there are many sundries, they will be drawn once or twice at most, which is why three chances to draw props always lead to props.
"tso … which tso?" The Qin Changfeng looks familiar, which seems to be a plot to give Cheng Shifei a clean body. The eunuch in charge of the clean body room put the diamond in the sleeve cage and immediately replied with a smile.
"Nature is Cao Zhengchun tso"
"Yo, this is a celebrity in front of the queen mother today. I heard that you are going to supervise the East Factory. You finally know how to go through Cao Gongmen’s door?"
Qin Changfeng also replied with a smile, "Yeah, it’s too old. It’s time to mix people up. Otherwise, I’m ashamed to see my mother’s spirit tablet when I go back."
"Good say good say … people who know the time like Qin Xiaoqi must like you and wait for our good news."
Grandfather Sun contentedly went back to the palace and looked at his enchanting figure. Qin Changfeng smiled at the corner of his mouth, then turned around and walked a few hundred meters with an embroidered spring knife on his arm and stepped into a restaurant …
Chapter two hundred and twenty-three Blow Cao Zhengchun back.
Qin Changfeng went straight to the floor after entering the lobby, and immediately a waiter came to greet him. This flying fish robe still carries considerable weight in the eyes of ordinary people.
After sitting at a table by the window and asking for a pot of wine, Qin Changfeng leaned on the windowsill and looked at the crowd outside the street, listening to the drinkers in the restaurant talking and saying nothing.
In fact, he seems to be in a daze, but there is information in the surrounding sound, but all the information has been filtered into his mind. The restaurant he came to is just a more real understanding of the overall situation of this era
I don’t know how long it will take before there are more and more guests in the restaurant. Almost all the tables are filled with a person like Qin Changfeng. It is very prominent to occupy a table, but anyone who dares to do so is either a dignitary or a local strongman of the Royal Guards. No one wants to touch this bad luck.
Of course, there are always exceptions to everything. Do you want to get into trouble or not? Many times, trouble will happen at the same time.
When I heard the footsteps of the stairs coming, a group of people, about four or five of them, were wearing flying fish robes of the Royal Guards, but the details of the clothes were still different. All of them were vaguely aware of the obese white-robed fish owner. Anyone who knows anything about the Royal Guards knows that this dress is a hundred adults.
In addition, a young man with triangular eyes saw Qin Changfeng and immediately flashed his eyes. The first two steps were far away and he shouted, "Hey, isn’t this Qin Xiaoqi? It’s great to see the official?"
Listen to this tone and you will know that Qin Changfeng is up to no good when he didn’t hear and drank a glass of wine. At the same time, the brain in his mind searched for this group of security information in his memory.
First of all, the identity of Qin Changfeng, the common people, has nothing to celebrate, but it is worth noting that this person and his company are both eunuchs.
Secondly, it is a triangle eye that really has a problem with his identity. It is also a small flag and a generation of Royal Guards. However, it has been enmity since Grandpa’s generation and is still entangled in this generation.
Seeing that Qin Changfeng didn’t move, several other royal guards also showed displeasure and shouted, "Hey, I said, are you deaf or blind? Didn’t you see the hundred adults here? Why don’t you pay a quick visit?"
Triangle saw this is secretly revealed sarcasm as if already waiting to see the drama.
At this time, the diners in the whole hall on the second floor found this, and the tension was not forbidden.

In this way, if you don’t want to continue chopping wood, your day’s work will be finished.

Brother Zhang, the chef, asked them to cut a thick tree with a waist and carry it back, even if they finished their work for a day.
If it’s not possible, just chop it until Shenshi, that is, at four or five in the afternoon, and then have dinner directly.
In the mountains, there are morning meals and evening meals every day.
At noon, just rely on a big cake and a pot of water.
But fortunately, the pie is solid enough to eat.
Just as Lingqing was preparing to split the wood and carry it back, she suddenly saw it.
A bean sprout-shaped tender green drum bag grew in the center of the stump he cut down.
When you look closely, it looks like a bud sprouting when a trunk shoots new branches.
He couldn’t help laughing in his heart. The vitality of this plant is really tenacious
Just as he turned around, there was a strange flash in his heart.
Chapter 59 Turbid evil spirit yuan jing
Generally speaking, it is normal for trees to grow such green buds.
However, the growth of firewood and the growth of firewood trees make the green buds somewhat different.
It’s not that Lingqing has never seen those newborn buds generally grayish green when firewood is used.
When they grow up, the branches are grayish brown and the leaves are bluish black.
This is because it is eroded by the miscellaneous gas contained in the turbidity of trees.
And this …
Yeah, it’s getting a little darker
This may be the reason why I didn’t notice it before.
Apart from the fact that the gap between firewood and trees is bigger than ordinary trees, his spirit is mainly focused on cutting firewood and taking care of it in his spare time.
This anomaly is also an important reason for its short duration.
Even if others see it, they will just sigh like themselves and won’t care too much.
Lingqing let go of her own perception and carefully focused on the newborn buds in front of her.
A vigorous vitality emanates from this bean sprout, which is as vigorous as an adult tiger.
People can’t believe that this is a soybean-sized spore.
But the most important thing is that it is not so thick and muddy.
Only a little turbid evil spirit Yuan Jing is slowly raising it at its body temperature.
Absorb and make it adapt to the rapid growth of more and more complicated and turbid qi
This turbid evil spirit element essence is turbid evil spirit element essence, which has the characteristics of turbid evil spirit, but it is not as fascinating and corrosive as turbid evil spirit.

"In fact, I am a dream-maker, but I will wake up in that dream forever …"

Qin Changfeng floated up in the white light and sent away, leaving the world behind him dead.
A world has withered like a funeral, burying a person in a dream.
The world says that immortals are good, but what is immortals?
Immortals may also be ants in others’ eyes who came to the second world. Qin Changfeng looked up at the sky and never had a moment like this, hoping for strength and longing for freedom …
What is true freedom?
People can stop me if I want to do it!
I can be forced if I don’t want to! !
The sky can collapse and die, but my mind cannot change! ! !
Chapter five hundred and seventy Causality God kind of green snake fahai
The second world is the green snake.
This time, with the arrival of Qin Changfeng, the world started, because no testers were trying before.
Including the third world, he doesn’t need to be in a hurry anymore, because usually, even if an evil species invades, if you want to imagine that the world hasn’t started, that mutant will be like being frozen, and its strength will not increase.
When Qin Changfeng saw the world story of Green Snake as a child, it was Fahai’s profound magic to subdue demons and subdue demons, and he hated evil … It was not until he accidentally read it again when he grew up that he found that Fahai was the most selfish!
Everything he did was just a way of practicing by himself.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with these grievances and Qin Changfeng.
He came here to be a butcher. The only thing we need to explore is who the target will be: green snake, white snake or Fahai.
No matter which one is only the current strength, it will not cause too much obstacle to him.
So this time it should be much easier than the celestial tree world, because he knows everything like the back of his hand, and there will be no moths like Yunrong again.
Is looking at the palm tree species Qin Changfeng eyes gradually flashing strange light.
"The source of law is born with 50% of the meaning of law, which can help me to master the cause and effect, but like the portrait of the future, it can’t be swallowed directly. There must still be a process of understanding, but the original may take a hundred years, and now it will be greatly shortened …"
Qin Changfeng muttered to himself that the seed of God in his hand can breed a world tree, but what is important to him now is the causal source contained in it!
The law of cause and effect, like the truth and falsehood, is also a necessary part of his plan to cultivate Yuan God.
Cause and effect cause and effect … Who can say if it is doomed to cause and effect when he needs it most?
The road is vast and difficult to exhaust, and it often seems to be a coincidence, but there is always a necessity.
"Grace, love, love, hatred … are the four most prone to cause and effect in this world, and I need to see through three of them from the perspective of cause and effect to condense my own cause and effect!"
"But cause and effect love hate … and want to do emotional cheating? Nai, I want to be a good person! "
Qin Changfeng thoughtfully while not looking to somewhere.
Before, he fell naturally from the virtual arrival and finally came to a mountain forest. An ancient tree was overlooked from dozens of feet, and everything in Fiona Fang was panoramic.
At this time, it was evening, and the dark clouds in the sky were very low and heavy, which made the whole earth dye a gloomy atmosphere.
This environment has always been disliked by all creatures, but there is one creature that must like this weather, and that is snakes!
Or they are not just snakes, but should be called snake monsters! !
Two pythons are more than ten meters long, and their waists are at least as thick as buckets.
One of them is pure white, with a little ice and jade, and the scales are glittering and translucent, so people can see its extraordinary at a glance.
The other green snake looks worse. You can’t swim quietly for a moment, giving off the wildness that snakes should have.
They are playing in a purple bamboo forest, entwined with each other and spitting letters at each other …
"It’s fate to be met by me so soon, but I don’t know if it’s lucky or unfortunate for you."
Qin Changfeng’s breath of convergence is hidden in the top of ancient trees. He was discovered by these two snake-demon root pruning methods.
I thought to myself that ten days passed by, and Qin Changfeng finally observed the two snakes and demons calmly at the top of the tree while realizing the causal source of God.
It’s hard to imagine that the source of law helps ordinary people to practice law.