
1. **作用机理**:
– **抑制排卵**:紧急避孕药中的高效孕激素成分能够抑制排卵,阻止卵子的释放,从而达到避孕的目的。如果在女性排卵期服用,这种药物可以在一定时间内抑制排卵。
– **阻止受精**:通过改变宫颈黏液的性状,使得黏液变得更加黏稠,从而阻碍精子进入宫腔,防止精子与卵子结合。
– **阻止受精卵着床**:在性行为后72小时内服用紧急避孕药,可以改变子宫内膜的形态和功能,使得受精卵无法着床,从而达到避孕的效果。


2. **药效时间**:
– 紧急避孕药通常在性行为后的72小时内服用效果最佳,但具体时间可能因药物种类而异。部分药物在性行为后的120小时内仍然有效。

3. **成功率**:
– 紧急避孕药的成功率并非100%,通常在90%以上。如果服用时间不准确或个人体质差异,成功率可能会有所不同。

4. **副作用**:
– 紧急避孕药可能引起一些副作用,如恶心、呕吐、头痛、乳房痛、月经不调等。这些副作用通常在服用后2-3天内消失。
– 长期或频繁使用紧急避孕药可能会导致内分泌紊乱,增加患乳腺癌、卵巢癌等疾病的风险。

5. **备孕**:


– 紧急避孕药不会影响胎儿的健康,停药后可以正常备孕。但建议在停药后一段时间内(如3-6个月)避免怀孕,以确保药物在体内代谢完全。

6. **注意事项**:
– 紧急避孕药不能作为常规避孕方式,仅适用于避孕失败或无保护性性生活的紧急情况。
– 在使用紧急避孕药之前,请咨询医生或药师,了解药物的具体信息和个人情况。
– 若在使用紧急避孕药后出现严重不适,请及时就医。



1. **益气生津**:椰子鸡中的椰子汁具有清凉解渴、生津止渴的作用,适合在炎热天气或身体缺水时食用。

2. **清热补虚**:椰子鸡选用椰汁和椰肉,结合文昌鸡的性平不燥,有助于清热去火,对于体虚者有一定的滋补作用。

3. **强身健体**:椰子鸡中的椰肉和鸡肉都含有丰富的蛋白质,有助于增强体质,促进身体康复。


4. **润肠通便**:椰子含有大量膳食纤维,可以促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘。


5. **美容养颜**:椰子中的维生素B1、维生素E和维生素C等营养素,对保持皮肤水嫩、光滑有积极作用。

6. **补充能量**:椰子含有丰富的果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖,能为人体提供能量,适合高强度工作和运动后食用。

7. **促进生长发育**:椰子中的锌、镁等矿物质和蛋白质,有助于儿童和青少年的生长发育。


8. **抗衰老**:椰子中的抗氧化成分可以帮助中和自由基,促进新陈代谢,减缓衰老过程。

9. **改善循环系统**:椰子中的镁元素对改善老年人的循环系统有益,有助于预防心血管疾病。

10. **抗菌消炎**:椰子中的月桂酸等成分具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,有助于提高免疫力。



### 糙米的营养益处:

1. **高纤维含量**:糙米含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于消化系统的健康,能预防便秘,降低胆固醇,并有助于控制血糖水平。
2. **营养素丰富**:糙米含有丰富的B族维生素,特别是维生素B1,以及矿物质如镁、磷、锌等,对心脏健康、肌肉功能和骨骼健康都至关重要。


3. **控制体重**:糙米因其质地较硬,不易过量食用,有助于控制体重。
4. **抗炎作用**:糙米中的某些成分具有抗炎作用,可能有助于减少炎症性疾病的风险。


5. **抗氧化作用**:糙米中的抗氧化物质如维生素E和多酚,有助于抵御自由基的损害,降低癌症风险。

### 食用糙米的注意事项:

1. **农药残留**:糙米保留了稻谷的外层,因此可能含有较多的农药残留。在购买时,优先选择有机糙米或确保糙米经过适当清洗和加工处理。
2. **植酸含量**:糙米中的植酸可能会影响某些矿物质的吸收,如钙和铁。因此,建议糙米与其他食物(如奶制品或富含维生素C的食物)一起食用,以帮助矿物质的吸收。
3. **加工时间**:糙米比精白米煮起来更费时,因为其质地较硬。在烹饪前,最好提前浸泡一段时间,以缩短烹饪时间。


4. **血糖影响**:虽然糙米含有较少的糖分,但某些加工的糙米产品(如糙米饼干和面包)可能含有高糖高油,因此选择时应注意成分标签。
5. **食用量**:糙米是高纤维食物,过量食用可能导致消化不良。建议逐渐增加糙米的摄入量,以适应其纤维含量。
6. **口腔健康**:由于糙米中的酸性物质可能对牙齿有腐蚀作用,建议食用后及时漱口刷牙。



1. **强壮筋骨**:巴戟肉具有强壮筋骨的作用,对于筋骨软弱、腰膝酸软等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **补肾壮阳**:中医认为巴戟肉具有补肾壮阳的功效,对于肾阳虚引起的阳痿、早泄、腰膝酸软等症有一定的辅助治疗作用。


3. **增强免疫力**:巴戟肉含有丰富的营养成分,如多糖、生物碱等,这些成分可以增强机体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

4. **调节内分泌**:巴戟肉有助于调节内分泌系统,对于内分泌失调引起的症状有一定的缓解作用。

5. **抗疲劳**:巴戟肉具有抗疲劳作用,可以缓解因疲劳引起的身体不适。

6. **抗衰老**:巴戟肉中的多种营养成分有助于延缓衰老,保持肌肤年轻。

7. **调节血脂**:巴戟肉具有一定的降血脂作用,有助于预防心血管疾病。

8. **抗氧化**:巴戟肉中的抗氧化成分可以清除体内的自由基,预防细胞老化。

9. **改善睡眠**:巴戟肉具有安神作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。



1. **促进消化与润肠通便**:百香果富含大量的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘症状。蜂蜜中的果糖和葡萄糖也有助于润滑肠道,增强肠道蠕动,从而有助于消化。

2. **调节血糖水平**:百香果和蜂蜜中的果糖和葡萄糖成分有助于维持血糖平衡,对于糖尿病患者来说,是一种较为健康的甜味来源。

3. **抗氧化与预防疾病**:百香果和蜂蜜都含有大量的抗氧化剂,如维生素C、类黄酮等,这些成分有助于抵抗自由基,预防癌症和心脏病。


4. **排毒养颜**:百香果中的维生素和微量元素能够帮助清除体内的毒素,而蜂蜜中的营养成分也有助于促进新陈代谢,改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更加细腻有弹性。

5. **改善视力**:百香果和蜂蜜中的维生素A和黄酮类物质有助于保护眼睛健康,减少视力疲劳。

6. **消暑解酒**:蜂蜜泡百香果茶含有大量有机酸,可以刺激胃酸分泌,促进消化,同时具有消暑解渴的作用。百香果和蜂蜜中的果糖还能帮助酒精分解吸收,具有一定的解酒作用。

7. **增强免疫力**:百香果和蜂蜜中的多种营养成分可以增强人体免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

8. **降低血压和血脂**:百香果和蜂蜜有助于降低血压和血脂,对心血管健康有益。



1. **活血化瘀**:川芎能够促进血液循环,消除血液中的瘀滞,适用于治疗各种血瘀症状,如胸胁疼痛、症瘕结块、月经不调、经闭痛经、产后瘀痛等。

2. **祛风止痛**:川芎具有祛风作用,可以有效缓解由风邪引起的头痛、偏正头痛、风湿痹痛、跌扑肿痛等症状。

3. **调经**:川芎是妇科调经的重要药物,对于痛经、月经不调、闭经等有显著疗效,常与当归、熟地、白芍等药材搭配使用。


4. **改善心血管系统**:现代药理学研究表明,川芎中的川芎嗪、阿魏酸纳等成分具有扩张冠状动脉、增加冠脉流量、缓解心绞痛、抗血栓形成的作用,对冠心病心绞痛有一定的治疗作用。


5. **抗菌作用**:川芎具有一定的抗菌作用,对伤寒杆菌、副伤寒杆菌、霍乱弧菌、绿脓杆菌及致病性皮肤真菌等均有抑制作用。


6. **平滑肌解痉作用**:川芎中的川芎内酯具有解痉作用,能够抑制肠肌和子宫收缩,对某些平滑肌痉挛性疾病有一定的治疗作用。

7. **抗放射线作用**:川芎制剂还具有抗放射线作用,对于放射性损伤有一定的保护作用。



– **适量使用**:川芎用量过大可能引起副作用,如头晕、恶心等。
– **禁忌**:孕妇、过敏体质者、服用川芎有不良反应者应慎用或禁用。
– **合理配伍**:川芎与其他药材的配伍应根据个人体质和病情进行调整。


Mo Qingqing looked back at the mountain and saw that the mountain was lush and covered with green. There was no end in sight, big and small, winding and white as a practice belt, and rivers were like mirrors. Lakes were scattered all over the day, and birds could be seen flying like fairy tales. She looked at the vibrant forest behind her and looked up at the snowy mountains full of snow and bare rocks ahead, and continued to climb.

Liu Che said, "Idiot regrets now and wants to return it later."
Wu sullenly hesitated and said, "Che and I will just go." She knew that this road was too dangerous to find her parents. It was her and Liu Che, not Mo Qingqing.
Mo Qingqing simply said, "Being idle together is idle anyway."
All birds "chirped" and gave Mo Qingqing a dirty look. It wanted to turn back.
Liu Che looked silently at the climbing wind and asked, "Don’t you have anything to say? I didn’t want to know why you came here with a good leader and took any risks with us. "I was moved but curious."
The wind threw Liu Che a look too lazy to ignore her.
Liu Che "cut" and said "Don’t tell" to continue climbing the mountain.
Mo Qingqing climbed another steep mountain, then leaned against the rock with an angle of 40-50 degrees to catch her breath. She looked at the white mountain and said to several people struggling to climb behind her, "What did you say after climbing this snow-capped mountain?"
The wind sighed and said, "Don’t think about the snowy mountain or the snowy mountain." She sighed again to see that Mo Qingqing was lying high and comfortable, and said with a dark sigh, "A mistake should bring a rope." Mo Qingqing climbed fast. She put a rope in front and they all saved a lot of effort.
The fastest is Liuche Road. When it is easy to climb, she can’t walk well. She spread her wings and flew directly.
Yu Qingling’s family of three is the most pitiful. They are not good at climbing this kind of mountain road with their luggage. When they encounter steep places, they have to make a long detour to find a relatively flat mountain road. Two cubs are so tired that their tongues are spit out.
Aunt Qing climbs the mountain by herself and has to take care of the children. There is also a bird’s nest on its back. There are still several suitcases hanging on both sides of the bird’s body. The burden of these people hunting animals is much heavier. It knows that it is difficult for them to grow up with two children who need a lot of power for a long time. Only by following Mo Qingqing and them can they have a better future. Therefore, no matter how tired they are, they silently follow it. They have no opinion about the birds nesting on its back. It has already ordered two children to hide behind the birds immediately when they are in danger.
When Mo Qingqing climbed for another breath, she said, "No, I remember that the snowy mountain is not so steep from a distance." She wanted to think about it and instructed Liu Che, "If you can fly, you should first explore a road and find a good place to climb."
Liu Che glanced at Mo Qingqing and flew out to find his way.
After half an hour, she flew back and said, "I have good news and bad news for you."
Mo Qingqing rolled his eyes and said, "I hate this. Say something quickly."
Liu Che said, "The bad news is that we are crawling along the Grand Canyon, which is the steepest." She pointed to both sides and said, "It is much better to climb on both sides."
MoQingQing expression suddenly cracked.
It’s almost tiring. The three green scale beasts have their tails standing up.
The bird lies down in the bird’s nest and talks so hard that it wants to sing, but when it calls it to ride, it swings its tail.
It doesn’t matter if Wu is bored. Anyway, she has climbed so far. She asked, "Will it be easier to change roads?"
Mo Qingqing said "nonsense"
The wind suddenly said, "this is the hardest thing to go, but recently Daoche said hello news."
Liu Che said, "The good news is that you have almost climbed to the top of the mountain."
Three men and three green-scaly beasts continued to climb the mountain in pants.
Mo Qingqing looked up at Erlang, who had cocked his legs and sat on the top of the mountain, waiting for them. Liu Che said, "I really envy people with wings." She finally understood where Bai Lin’s obsession with wings came from. She added, "I think we should let Fengshen Wing team fly over to explore the road first and then go after they find out the situation."
The wind suddenly said, "Their strength in COSCO is too far from the ground. They must have supplies. Once they meet a slightly stronger exotic bird, their army will be wiped out." She added after a pause, "If we must travel far and look at the whole wind department, there is no more suitable team configuration than us."
Mo Qingqing said, "I’m just saying."
They climbed to the top before dark.
Mo Qingqing was more inclined than the wind and Wu was bored to climb the mountain top first. She looked up at the top of the mountain and saw the ups and downs of the mountains ahead, like dragons rushing to the front, and the ice peaks stood like knives cutting cliffs everywhere.

After drinking a lot, Lu Li rushed to the front.

There are more than 300 masters, including dozens of gas refining quadruple masters and more than ten gas refining quintuple masters! That is to say, even if Chong Wang comes alone, he will be torn to pieces soon. There is no suspense.
This underground death row is closed by a powerful array, and hundreds of thousands of people are upright and righteous, so they can suppress the righteousness of heaven and earth, so that the evil spirits and those masters can also be banned from seeing the sun.
But Lu Li has a card, which is not a secret. Even a fairy or some people who are familiar with Lu Li will never think of it!
"kill!" This is a number of gas refining experts, all of whom are in the fourth environment of gas refining. The strong gas refining people can cull some skills or Xuanzhen masters, and the speed is extremely fast.
"Small sign-up can save your dog’s life!"
That man led a number of experts to take the lead. This is the first phalanx to come over and grab the first prize!
The strong people who are comparable to the fairy refiner are not in this first phalanx, but wait and see. After all, they are not weaker than the land, or they don’t recognize what is worth spying on in their hands.
If there were treasures, the evil spirits would have come to seize them in person, but this time, more than 300 people were mobilized to surround and kill one person. In the history of death row, only one wild knight errant suffered such treatment, and more than 100 masters were dispatched at that time.
"I don’t know if the evil spirits will look at this little guy with new eyes this time. Does his wild swordsman have some connections?"
One of the five masters of gas refining talked with the powerful people in the realm that it is easier for them to control the gas and integrate into the environment than to cultivate immortals, and it consumes very little qi, unlike the cultivation of immortals, which consumes a lot of truth.
Another man shook his head slightly and answered, "This time, more than 300 masters were dispatched, which is called a riot. The small estimate is that the wild knight errant came from the same place, not the double statue of the evil spirit of the Xuanhuang Gulu people-"
He was just about to go on talking when another person hurriedly motioned for him to stop evil spirits. The double statue has some secrets, and even they, the master of the fifth realm of refining gas, can’t talk about it, and they are likely to be killed.
Behind the first phalanx, a large number of masters are bustling, followed by hundreds of gas refining men rushing to death row. Some weak death row inmates and prisoners are frightened and cold, hiding in some grottoes and caves, and even some demons are dispersed for fear of being wave.
They sent out brilliance, but this time, hundreds of people surrounded and killed one person, which seemed to kill the chicken and the cow.
However, the first sentence from the land is blood shed’s mouth killing people!
"If you meet me, you will die!"
He spoke in an instant, and the tiger fist roared out. The head of the light tiger was covered with blood awns and contained blood ShaQi. The first one questioned the refined gas and tried to avoid this blow. When the light tiger suddenly split into two, two blood shadows pierced his body.
The man was frightened and had to call for help in the future. Two blood shadows have already burst through the body. The former came out of his abdomen in tandem, and the latter one flew out of the back of his head. Suddenly, this person was dyed red by spattered blood and died on the spot!
This is a slightly different style that eats the heart and scatters people. It can be called killing people in shape-eating the heart!
Besides, the killing heart sutra is sharp and abnormal, and there is a substantial murder attached to the real element, just like a sword, which can break many defense methods. With the cultivation of this legal person, the deeper the killing and war, the more fierce the murderous look is, like a magic weapon with you!
Although the method of heaven’s unique cutting is strong, it can’t crack all the achievements in the world when it is limited, but this killing heart sutra is like the killing knife that was transformed when the killing heart climbed to the extreme. It is a killing road, and the murderous look condenses to the extreme, which can instantly kill the city, blood, heaven, fairy and Buddha.
Coupled with the reversal of the Heart Sutra, it forged several times the strength of the earth and the earth meridians, so that the gas refiner was killed almost one by one, and he paid the price of his life to let him know that he was fighting with a master who was in madness.
And this master is none other than Lu Li’s injury, almost healed and restored to the peak of the past!
Snake Fist Instantly Attacks There are still some poor people in that phalanx who are desperate to kill, not to rush but to surround them, because if they go back as deserters, they will surely be killed and divided into food fields, which is not much better than dying.
So it is better to fight to the death with the advantage of the number of people, or to pull out the teeth from this land!
Snake fist strikes again. Strange agile fist road. The shadow of snake also contains a touch of blood. Snake spits out a letter and a blood shadow flies out.
Lu Li’s combination of spirit snake boxing and heart-eating, heart-eating, heart-eating, soul-eating, shadow-shooting, and arrow-eating, unexpectedly, through the strange moves such as boxing exhibition, people were entranced by blood shadow, so they became paralyzed and their hearts could not bear the rush of blood, and finally their insides burst and died painfully.
Another master sneak attack on Lu Li turned around and started. Like ghosts, there was also an evil vision that turned into an anti-sneak attack on the five elements and directly sucked the man into a mummified skull and crushed it by Lu Li.
"This is a bad star!"
Some gas refiners exclaimed and were terrified.
Chapter 39 Nine Turn Extremely
More masters flocked to cull this man, and even shot many dead people on death row in succession. If the future is not removed, it will be a great disaster. If such ruthless teenagers are valued by evil spirits, they will have no peace in the future.
There is a big secret in this underground death row, but the evil spirits know that some refining experts also have speculations, but the monks at the bottom don’t know where the secret is and can try to stay alive in a daze.
"Hum so many masters still can’t kill this small one? Blow it into pieces together! "
A master shouted and threatened to shake the party, and suddenly a group of dead people rose up and attacked to kill Lu Lizhen here.
There is generally no difference between such a scene and a mirage when you first saw it. It seems that it really ends like that and you will die here.
Refining the Qi to control the enemy’s weapons, the speed of flying swords and knives is not weaker than that of cultivating immortals, and the physical defense is very strong. The gas refining method is varied and difficult to deal with.
Several masters of gas refining realm have to encircle and kill nearly 100 masters from all over the world, and each of them will interweave gas and strength into a big net, and all kinds of methods will be more accurate than killing all over the world.
What’s quite different between those who refine qi and cultivate immortality is that most of the cultivation doors are commensurate with the dharma tactic, and the division is not too complicated, unlike the Taikoo door cultivation method, which has many classifications and is very cumbersome.
One of the gas-gathering masters couldn’t help it. This man is a man with evil breath, which is better than eating his heart. Holding a blue sword in his hand, he exudes evil spirits all over his body, which makes him dare not underestimate.
"True sword! That’s the cloud evil predecessors! "
Some gas refiners shouted that they were more frightened than seeing this scene.
This true sword is a unique skill among the gas refiners, which is comparable to Yanyun Kyushu’s superb fencing.
In the besieged environment, the cloud evil suddenly attacked and repaired this earth, and even the land was unable to avoid it.
Lu Li moved sideways at the first time, but the sword shadow followed him like a penetrating truth, and a blood fog swept across Lu Li’s left shoulder, injuring Lu Li!
A wisp of blood splashed on Lu Li’s cheek. Although he was covered with a lot of blood, he always wiped his face clean and never tasted his own blood.
Suddenly, he turned around and flashed a fierce light on the cloud evil. He was extremely hostile to this cloud evil, regardless of hundreds of experts’ crazy attack on Lingyin, and he drifted away to pounce on this cloud evil.
No matter the outcome of this war, if you sneak up on your own people, you have to pay a certain price.
The place where everyone fought was an underground death row, a vast grotto similar to some abandoned mines.
There are also ancient mines in the great wasteland of Yanyun Kyushu, where many monks cast and chiseled some iron ore, precious stones, etc. to excavate antiquities and find fairy treasures.
"That’s a real sword and cloud evil. This man has been on death row for hundreds of years and has not died yet!"


A virtual tremor shook the world, and the silk wrapped around the jade waist took the opportunity to break away from the yin-yang channel and return to Yangshi.
"Terrible" At this time, Yu Duxiu appeared in a black robe, and his eyes showed a thrilling color. "The ghost master is crazy."
"Is really crazy ghost is mainly not the crazy strength in ancient times even can’t escape the unlucky ghost occupy the netherworld, it is not a ghost but a unlucky ghost" while gently sigh.
Fortunately, this silk is a natural treasure of Tai Su’s ancestor, and it is stronger than if it were a treasure, it would be torn off by the violent pulling force in the nether world.
Watching the Yin-Yang channel slowly close at the other end of the nether world, Amitabha’s scarlet eyes hit it and hit her mouth. "Look at how the ghost Lord is so crazy. How do you feel that we are passive enemies and now we are perpetrators?"
"Don’t say so much. The three mentoring people in the girl country are about to lose their support. Tell them to drink the water." Yuan Tianzun flicked his finger and saw two winding rivers flashing out and floating towards Amitabha. "This thing is a great treasure for the netherworld. If I hold it in my hand, I will not be peaceful in the future, but I don’t want to suffer an accident."
"You are too careful." Amitabha shook his head, and the Pure Land World included the two rivers. He turned and saluted the people. "Thank you for your great help. Don’t say much, monk. If there is anything in the future, just say hello."
The sky and others nodded and turned their territory.
To tell the truth, if Yu Duxiu hadn’t written to himself at that time to help the Buddhists, they wouldn’t have gone looking for trouble to visit this muddy water.
A few people in the mother river drank the water, and all of them collapsed on the ground, revealing the color of the jade show. At this time, it was sad to turn around a mysterious yellow gas. At this time, there was a jade show that was concerned. "It’s too weird for a big man to have children in this river. Is there a way to purify this river and poison all beings?"
Wu Wenwen smiled gently and leaned in. "There is no need for the master to worry that the Buddha has already purified this river. In the future, this river will be so effective that it will be different from ordinary rivers."
"Amitabha Buddha is kind and kind." Jade Duxiu silently praised a Buddha name.
Only to see that Wu turned to look at the bodhi old zu pig, Sha Wujing bodhi old zu pig a chuckle "fortunately, fortunately, my old pig escaped."
Sha Wujing is also concerned. "Who would have thought that there was such a poisonous substance in the heavens and the earth? It is incredible."
"Master, we still have a lot of river water in this pot at that time. If the master is taken away by the demon again in the future, the demon will drain the water into it and keep it. The demon asks grandpa to tell grandma to send the master out." The pig bodhi old zu hides a bag of water bags in a blink of an eye. "Good things, good things, good things, good things, but big killers."
"A few elders, Hongde Qitian, didn’t expect to avoid this disaster." The old man sighed, "In recent years, my mother river basin has died, and many people have lost their lives because of the stillbirth."
"Today, when this scourge is uprooted, you should remember our merits and demerits."
"That’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s’s, that’s, that’s’s, that’s’s, that’s’
"This time, you sold a great favor to Buddhism. If it weren’t for your own death, Buddhism would have to protect you." xi he looked at the dry day and put his fingers on one side to grind the rock, and his eyes seemed to be going round and round.
Dry day smell speech chuckle "naturally, even this time from the eyes of the nether world, the nether world will even break away in the future. The nether world lost its metaplasia, hydration and water destruction, and some of this account should be recorded in my head."
"What’s the harm? This is Yang Shi’s position, which is blessed by the gods and immortal. Now the Imperial Avenue is about to cross that threshold. The nether world can’t afford to turn over the waves. The position has been in an invincible position." xi he leaned in and gave me a strange color in his eyes. "Male and female servants are curious to know that there is metaplasia, hydration and water destruction in the nether world. This secret is that the strong people don’t know it."
Dry day smell speech chuckles and doesn’t change color. "I am in charge of the heavens and the latitude and longitude, and there is nothing in the world that can escape my induction of yin and yang, but they are opposite to each other. I can know that it is not difficult for me to know that Yang will naturally xiaoyin."
In the nether world, the main hall is a mess.
The roar of the "dry sky" ghost Lord is full of murder "I want you to die, I want you to die"
"Father" the nether world too in calling for a.
"What are you doing here?" The Ghost Lord stopped yelling. His eyes were scarlet and he looked at the netherworld.
Looking at this messy room, the netherworld sighed softly, "The Father will be like this. Now that it is a foregone conclusion, let’s put it aside for the time being that there will be retribution in the future."
"Karma? If you want the Terran to be immortal, it will be immortal, and our life will be exhausted. Is it karma? " In the eyes of the ghost master, there are bursts of pitfalls. "That wonderful show is really a cancer in the heavens and the earth that actually created this kind of violation of yin and yang. If it is really improper, people should have put it out early before it became a climate."
"It’s just me, the nether world is forever". The nether world is too light to laugh and slowly push the ghost master to the case. Pick up the pen, ink and stone, and there is a flash of cunning in his eyes. "Father God is worried that the race war is about to break out. After the race war, the Terran will be knocked down by the ancestors, and it will not be concocted by my nether world."
"Now there is a penalty. hay cutter’s ancestors may not be able to endure the dry days." The ghost Lord restored his tolerance and was quiet as if the abyss were sitting in a few ways
"Father, don’t worry too much about the punishment. hay cutter is not a dry day punishment. hay cutter is a punishment that heaven and earth have never broken the law. If hay cutter will land, only someone who breaks the law can command the punishment. hay cutter" The netherworld sneers. "Dry days have now completely taken refuge in Buddhism, and there is still a period of enter the dragon. In fact, the result of the savage Terran race war is foreseeable. Buddhism will inevitably contain the nine major doors and will not give them development opportunities."
After listening to the ghost story, the ghost Lord looked gloomy and uncertain for a while before saying, "What did the four seas say?"
"It’s good that Cold Man’s strength is getting stronger and stronger, and it’s good that the four seas can protect themselves." The nether world is too nai to sigh.
"Try to find the trace of the unlucky ghost. The unlucky ghost must have returned from fate now, but I don’t know how much strength has recovered." The ghost owner rubbed his bar.

Sure enough, Brother Kun smiled indifferently. "Kunlun is not as good as Taikoomen’s three mountains and twelve peaks. There are Jiu Feng and Jiu Feng in Kunlun, which is the main peak of Kunlun. Many elder brothers add up to about three or five hundred people. Because there are many younger brothers going out for experience, there are also many secluded seniors. I can’t tell you the exact number. It is not small to stretch hundreds of miles across Kunlun Mountain."

Thousands of feathers heard the words and nodded to reassure the other side as soon as possible. He could ask a question briefly. If he asked too many questions, the other side would be upset. If he ignored them, he would look like he had another plan. So thousands of feathers asked again, "Brother Kun, I have another question, and that is what you said about the Zangbingge Dharma realm?" He asked this question skillfully, and it is logical to combine his own situation.
Brother Na Kun replied, "The Kunlundi Zangbing Pavilion is also divided into heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang, etc. We are located in the Huangzang Bingge. Although the collection is low-level weapon implements, it is not underestimated. Besides, even magic weapons can only exert their power in the hands of the truly strong."
After saying this, he smiled deeply, but it puzzled Qianyu a little, because he felt that Brother Kun might not look like that and should be hidden.
Thousands of feathers nodded at the smell speech and said, "What Brother Kun said is that I have no other questions to ask, so let’s take a look at this Tibetan soldier pavilion and ask Brother Kun to enlighten the Dharma realm."
The man nodded directly with his hands printing the tactic, and he printed the tactic with extremely fast gestures. When he finished the method, he could understand it. At the moment of completion, the temple suddenly shone with brilliance, red, blue, gold, purple and black. At the end of the corridor, there was a gap in the ground, which was an entrance leading to the ground floor.
Brother Kun smiled mysteriously at Qian Yu, saying, "The dharma circle has already shown that we have a cup of tea kung fu. Let’s go. This ground floor is just the collection of Huang Zangbing Pavilion for the new junior brother of Kunlun."
Thousands of feathers followed Brother Kun, and the other person’s walking trajectory was also very special. Thousands of feathers naturally left a mind’s eye and didn’t dare to trespass, but followed the footwork trajectory of Brother Kun, and even the footsteps did not change at all. They soon came to the entrance.
Nodding slightly, Brother Kun praised, "Not bad, not the kui is the footwork track of Taikoo Men’s chosen brother. If you make a mistake, it will trigger a ban, and then it will be difficult."
Thousands of feathers smell speech one leng himself but always trying to be deep and cautious, but I didn’t think that the so-called Huangzang Bingge in Kunlun was really in crisis. He immediately said, "Brother Kun, what if I make a wrong move?"
Brother Na Kun shook his head with a wry smile and said directly, "If you make a wrong move, you will touch the foreign enemy’s invasion and ban, and then you will be suppressed by clouds and gas, and the ban will be very strong. Even an expert in the underworld will have to spend some effort to earn me. Even if you know the method of lifting the ban, you will suffer a lot before you solve it, because in that cloud and gas, you will have to bear a mountain of pressure to suppress your blood and bones, just like being crushed by huge force, and you will be hard to move. This is the most painful place."
Thousands of feathers broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. I didn’t expect Taikoo’s younger brother to come to experience it. There are still many dangers. It seems that even at the first floor, he should pay more attention to it or he will suffer.
Chapter two hundred and ten Grading
When I got to that place, a thousand feather eyes immediately stared up and the whole person showed an incredible expression.
Surrounded by ebony, there is a weapon hanging in each cell, which is obviously controlled by law and cannot be touched directly by hand.
Swords, halberds and darts are all-encompassing. A thousand feathers swept through and found that the ground floor was five times wider than the surface, and more than one thousand weapons were put in it.
Brother Kun ha ha smiled without beating around the bush and said directly, "Your eyes are everywhere on the ground floor of the Zang Zang Bing Pavilion, which has three floors and two floors. Our feet are on the ground floor, and the weapon multiplier placed on one floor is worthless. It is the choice of the new entry Kunlun brother. This floor is all the level of the spirit weapon, and there are many advanced spirit weapons that are divided in the same way as the cultivation of immortals."
Thousand feathers nodded slightly. He didn’t have any magic weapon. Although it was extremely powerful, every time he consumed one, he was less than one unless he met a strong enemy. Before leaving for Kunlun this time, Wu Zun had told several people that if he had performed well in Kunlun, there would be a gift for his predecessors. Thousand feathers vaguely guessed that if he passed the test, this choice of weapon was likely to be given to himself.
It is extremely unlikely that you want to harvest fairy wares, but if you have a few more advanced fairy wares to protect yourself against the enemy, you will naturally have a much better grasp. Besides, he is bent on confessing that he has already lost his life and won Fang Yun’s cold, which is his potential opponent.
"Brother Kun, is there something on the second floor of the Huangzang Bingge again?" Thousand feathers asked.
The other side smiled gently and explained, "The first floor of this place is full of implements and reliefs, among which most of the advanced implements and intermediate reliefs are also put with some advanced reliefs, depending on whether you have the chance to meet them on the second floor of that place. It is said that the surface is full of advanced reliefs, and even the treasures in the reliefs are comparable to those in some unique reliefs, and their effects are even compared with those of some reliefs."
Thousand Feathers nodded to Brother Nakun, whose duty is to take Thousand Feathers to choose a weapon. He also said again, "Look around. I’ll see with you if you have any doubts. You can stay here before you arrive. Brother Wufeng is very powerful."
While listening to him, Qianyu was constantly looking around. Just as he was looking around, suddenly a sword caught his eye, which made Qianyu exclaim, "Is that a cloud sword?"
A sword is about two feet and seven inches long, and its body is smooth as a mirror, vaguely reflecting a cloud, like clouds and mist, looming, without a gorgeous hilt, but very light. Actually, Li Zhuran’s fairy sword is 99% similar to the cloud, but its long sword exudes a strong mountain, which makes people feel a little different.
When Brother Kun saw Qian Yu’s recognition, he said, "The fairy sword was forged by a top player in the wasteland. Of course, this sword was forged by that player when he was young, not an artifact, but a fairy device. Now this cloud sword is in the hands of Li Zhuran, Taikoo Gate. What you see is that its imitation belongs to a senior weapon, but it is also very extraordinary. The cloud is light and elegant, and the sword is agile and sharp."
Thousands of feathers heard nodding at the cloud sword, and he knew less than this person, which made him very ashamed. The so-called enemy and know yourself are invincible. This person is Kunlun’s brother, but he knows more about Taikoo’s younger brother’s weapon, which makes Taikoo’s thousand feathers unhappy.
But when he didn’t show it, he quickly searched for the unfeeling sword. Sure enough, the imitation of the unfeeling sword was also found by him. The whole blade was slender and about three feet long. Thousand feathers had touched the ice mark on the moon. The unfeeling sword was as cold as the body of a dead person. Thousand feathers believed that this imitation would be quite extraordinary because he felt that unfeeling coldness in it.
This time, Brother Na Kun didn’t introduce him directly, but suddenly asked, "Did your elder disciples collect many younger brothers’ weapons before you went to Kunlun for experience?"
Qian Yu was deeply impressed by this matter. Although he didn’t know how Brother Kun knew it, he still truthfully said, "It’s true that almost all weapons of fairy level were collected from Brother Kun. How do you know this?"
Brother Na Kun laughed. "Don’t care that I can know about it. Elder Wang told me that I like to study the multiplier forging weapon house best in the fourth peak. This Huangzang Bingge has always been my guardian. I don’t know that I have studied the multiplier and forging for a hundred years, which is a little small success. Elder Wang said that this time, you Taikoo experts have collected some fairy swords, removed some losses, and forced the original level of fairy swords to the level of five-level attack fairy weapons. That is to say, now the fairy swords are flowing, the fairy swords are absolutely heartless, and your brother Fu.
Hearing this, Qianyu suddenly asked, "What grade is Brother Kun’s heart-biting sword?"
Brother Kun didn’t think about it when he heard it. Obviously, he knew something about the heart-eating sword. Directly, he said, "The heart-eating sword should be regarded as a six-level attack artifact. It is extremely powerful, and the sword is overbearing. It has its own sword spirit, and it is also unique. It is a pity that it can evolve independently. If the sword spirit will eventually improve with the heart-eating sword tactic, it will eventually become a big evil soldier. However, it is also a pity that the heart-eating sword is missing with the fall of the land."
When he said this, he sighed again, which made Thousand Feathers think back. It is not impossible for these people to have a thousand snow shadows and double swords. After all, Thousand Feathers also practice the method of stars, and the whole person has great potential.
Chapter two hundred and eleven Medicine Pavilion Choose Dan
Thousands of feathers are in a similar situation, and the moon ice mark has also been taken to a place called Dan Yao Ge to choose Dan Yao.
The only difference of this Dan medicine pavilion is that it is in a low-lying valley in the mountains. Outside this valley, there is also a cloud cover. If the fourth peak brother didn’t come with the moon ice mark, her roots would be hard to find.
This is a mountain valley surrounded by mountains. The terrain is very strange and the moon ice marks are shrouded in fog. At the same time, they are aware that the aura here is very strong, which is several times stronger than the environment in which the water school died. Besides, her man has seen an elegant pavilion with a plaque engraved with the words "Dan Yao Pavilion" after a few steps.
Plumes of medicinal incense floated out of it slowly, and the ice marks on the moon involuntarily inhaled a little sleep. This medicinal incense is very refreshing, generally mild in nature and full of aura, which must be a great supplement for the cultivation of immortals.
The younger brother said, "If you want to choose any Dan medicine after entering the Dan Medicine Pavilion, just tell me not to touch it, because some of them are very weird, and even the elders will not touch you easily. I will leave when I have a cup of tea and choose two Dan medicines."
Two people’s front and back feet entered this Dan medicine pavilion, and the ice mark on the moon did not hide their appearance. At first, the younger brother looked at the ice mark on the moon from time to time, and then it seemed like a habit, so he would no longer take care of it in front to lead the way.
The ice mark on the moon is very shocking. There are countless jade bottles and medicine boxes in the cabinet of Dan medicine. Some medicine boxes are labeled with the names of Dan medicine, and many glass bottles and jade bottles are engraved with strange patterns that make her difficult to recognize.
In fact, Taikoomen is rather harsh and strict about the cultivation of his younger brother, unless he is promoted to a certain position and becomes a Taiyi Mountain Brother, he can get some Dan medicine regularly, otherwise, there is no Dan medicine at all before the ice mark on the moon when he died in the water school. The magic medicine is a rare thing, and the rest of the Dan medicines are few and far between, unlike Fang Yunhan and others who can come up with the mysterious Chinese Dan medicine such as dragon saliva poison Dan.