
1. **止疼消痒**:华佗膏的主要功效之一是止疼消痒,对于皮肤出现瘙痒、疼痛,甚至溃疡和小面积的烧伤等,使用华佗膏可以有效地缓解症状,加速伤口愈合。


2. **快速消肿**:华佗膏具有快速消肿和活血化瘀的作用,对于跌打损伤、积血肿疼等情况,涂抹华佗膏并进行适当按摩,可以帮助积血消退,缓解疼痛。

3. **消炎除菌**:华佗膏由多种中药材制成,具有消炎除菌的功效。对于皮炎、皮肤丘疹等皮肤病,使用华佗膏可以帮助消退皮肤真菌感染,缓解病情。

4. **治疗癣症**:华佗膏对于手癣、脚癣等皮肤癣症有显著疗效,能够渗出、脱屑等病症得到有效控制。

5. **改善骨痛**:华佗透骨膏中的成分如薄荷脑、蓖麻子、土鳖子等,能够改善骨痛、清凉止痒、杀菌抑菌,适用于半月板伤、关节疼痛、风湿疼痛和肩周不适等症状。

6. **改善勃起困难**:华佗脱敏膏含有珍珠粉、苦参、一点红、五倍子等成分,可以帮助增厚龟头粘膜,降低敏感度,从而延长性生活时间,改善勃起困难。

7. **抑菌消炎**:华佗脱敏膏中的苦参和地肤子成分有助于杀菌消炎,改善私处问题,有助于身体健康。


– 使用前应仔细阅读说明书,了解适用范围和禁忌。
– 对于过敏体质者,使用前应进行皮肤过敏测试。
– 如症状未改善或加重,应停止使用并咨询医生。
– 避免与刺激性食物(如辛辣、肥甘厚腻)和酒精同时摄入。



### 食用价值
1. **营养成分丰富**:香葵含有丰富的果胶,这种可溶性纤维对人的肠胃健康非常有益,有助于消化。
2. **保健功能**:香葵可以滋补阴阳,是一种健康绿色的保健蔬菜。
3. **特殊风味**:香葵的嫩荚果中含有黏滑的汁液,具有特殊的香气和风味,这种汁液由水溶性纤维果胶、半乳聚糖和阿拉伯树胶等组成。


4. **药用功效**:香葵可帮助消化,治疗胃炎、胃溃疡,保护肝脏,增强人体耐力,被许多国家定为运动员的首选蔬菜,也是老年人的保健食品。

### 药用价值
1. **药材来源**:香葵的茎、叶、根、种子及果实均可入药。
2. **性味**:根、叶、花:微甘、凉。
3. **功效**:
– 根:清热解毒,消肿止痛,用于治疗毒蛇咬伤、痈疮肿痛、疝气等。
– 叶:外用治疗痈疮肿毒、瘰疬、骨折等。
– 花:外用治疗烧烫伤。
– 种子:具有麝香味,可提制芳香油。


### 其他价值
1. **食用鸡的饲料**:用葵叶、葵盘喂养的食用鸡也含有丰富的维生素E和钙,鸡肝的维生素A含量也较高。
2. **营养价值**:香葵鸡以新鲜的葵花盘、叶、杆等炮制而成的饲料喂养,其外皮金黄透亮,肉香嫩爽口。


### 注意事项
– 在服用香葵相关药物时,初期可能会有轻度恶心、胃烧灼感,但数日后可逐渐消失。
– 少数病人用药之初可能出现白带增多、外阴瘙痒。



### 红石榴石(宝石)

1. **美容养颜**:红石榴石含有多种微量元素,可以促进皮肤吸收,有助于美容养颜。


2. **强身健体**:红石榴石被认为能刺激血液循环,增强新陈代谢,使人充满活力。
3. **促进伤口愈合**:红石榴石中的微量元素有助于细胞修复,加速伤口愈合。
4. **缓解肌肉酸痛和精神疲劳**:长期佩戴或接触红石榴石被认为可以缓解肌肉酸痛和精神疲劳。


### 《我的世界》中的红石

1. **基本构造元素**:红石在《我的世界》中相当于电线,用于连接各种机械装置。
2. **红石火把**:作为电源,用于给红石线路充能,控制活塞的移动。
3. **红石电路**:由红石粉末构成,用于传输红石能量,形成复杂的逻辑系统。
4. **红石中继器**:延长信号距离,增强信号强度,实现信号的接力传输。
5. **红石方块**:作为电源,激活红石线路,存储红石粉末,与活塞配合使用。
6. **红石装置**:如踏板、活塞、按钮、开关等,用于控制游戏中的各种机制。


7. **红石火把和拉杆**:基础的红石装置,用于控制红石火把的状态和红石线路的连接。
8. **红石机械**:包括陷阱、电梯、自动化装置等,红石在其中起到控制信号和能量传输的作用。

### 总结



1. **健胃消食**:黄皮酒具有促进消化的作用,可以缓解消化不良,帮助食物更好地被身体吸收。

2. **止咳除烦**:黄皮酒中的成分能够帮助缓解咳嗽症状,同时具有除烦安神的功效。


3. **生津止渴**:黄皮酒能够刺激口腔分泌唾液,起到生津止渴的效果,适合在干燥或口渴时饮用。

4. **利尿消肿**:黄皮酒具有利尿作用,可以帮助人体排出多余水分,减轻心脏负担,有助于减轻水肿。

5. **增强抵抗力**:黄皮酒中的成分有助于增强人体免疫力,对于抵抗力下降引起的病毒、细菌感染有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **抗氧化和抗炎**:黄皮酒中含有的黄酮类、苦味素、甙类等活性成分具有抗氧化和抗炎作用,有助于减少肝细胞受损,保护肝脏功能。

7. **调节生理功能**:黄皮酒中的营养物质,如氨基酸等,有助于调节人体的生理功能。

8. **辅助治疗心血管疾病**:黄皮酒有助于降低血压和血脂,从而对预防和治疗心血管疾病如高血压、动脉硬化等有益。



1. **降压作用**:硝苯地平能够有效降低血压,对于治疗高血压有显著效果。它通过阻断血管平滑肌细胞上的钙离子通道,减少钙离子进入细胞内,导致血管平滑肌松弛,血管扩张,降低外周血管阻力,从而降低血压。

2. **抗心绞痛作用**:硝苯地平对心脏血管有选择性扩张作用,能显著缓解心绞痛症状,尤其适用于慢性稳定型心绞痛(劳累型心绞痛)、血管痉挛型心绞痛(如Prinzmetal’s心绞痛、变异型心绞痛)等。


3. **药效持续时间**:硝苯地平缓释片和控释片的设计使得药物在体内缓慢释放,药效可以持续较长时间。一般来说,硝苯地平缓释片的药效可以持续12小时左右,而控释片则可维持24小时。

4. **作用机制**:硝苯地平通过减少心脏对氧的需求和增加心脏的冠状动脉血流,改善心肌的供氧状况,从而减轻心绞痛。

5. **安全性**:硝苯地平通常被认为是安全的,但其副作用可能包括头痛、面部潮红、心悸、下肢水肿等。对于某些患者,如患有心脏衰竭或低血压的患者,使用硝苯地平时需要谨慎。


6. **与其它药物的相互作用**:硝苯地平与其他降压药物或利尿剂合用时,可能会增强降压效果,但也可能增加低血压的风险。

7. **适用人群**:硝苯地平适用于治疗高血压和心绞痛的患者,尤其适用于那些血压难以控制或心绞痛症状较重的人群。




1. **补血养血**:阿胶是阿胶固元膏中的主要成分,具有补血止血、滋阴润肺的功效,对于缺铁性贫血、再生障碍性贫血等有显著疗效。

2. **美容养颜**:阿胶固元膏能够通过补血滋润皮肤,改善肤色,使皮肤红润有光泽,减少皱纹,对于美容养颜有显著效果。

3. **滋阴润肺**:阿胶固元膏具有滋阴润肺的作用,对于改善干燥的皮肤、缓解咳嗽、干燥综合征等症状有帮助。

4. **调经安胎**:对于女性来说,阿胶固元膏可以补阴血、益冲任,有助于调经安胎,对于妊娠病也有一定的调理作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:阿胶固元膏中的多种成分能够增加白细胞数量,提高机体免疫功能,增强抗病能力。

6. **益智健脑**:阿胶固元膏中的有效成分有利于提高体质,强身壮神,对抗疲劳有积极作用。

7. **延缓衰老**:阿胶固元膏中的蛋白质和多种微量元素有助于延缓衰老,对更年期骨质疏松有预防作用。


8. **改善睡眠**:阿胶固元膏有助于改善睡眠质量,对失眠患者有一定的缓解作用。

9. **改善消化**:阿胶固元膏中的黑芝麻、核桃仁等成分有助于润肠通便,改善消化系统功能。

10. **治疗妇科疾病**:阿胶固元膏对于一些妇科疾病如月经不调等也有一定的调理作用。


Zhou Xingli, the highest military officer of the Seventh District Army, was escorted by the guards into the lounge on the second floor.

Wu Chen Zhongren immediately got up and said, "Chief!"
"Sit down, Mr. Chen." Zhou Xingli wore a loose jacket and patted Chen Zhongren on the shoulder with a kindly expression.
The guard saw that the two men were seated and immediately left the door.
Even the hydraulic workers who served tea quietly left the house, leaving a commander and a top military officer looking at each other.
"Ha ha, Mr. Chen, you really embarrassed me today," said Zhou Xingli, crossing his legs and looking at Chen Zhongren.
"Chief, don’t say that …!" Chen Zhongren wants to have a fight with the other party, Tai Ji Chuan, because from the level, after all, he is the commander of the theater, while the other party is a military and political leader. Some words are definitely not good, so he chooses first.
"You listen to me first." Zhou Xingli interrupted with a wave of his hand and still replied slowly. "At the beginning, you wanted to help Gu Taian decompress. The General Logistics Department of the military and the World War II area were all opposed, but I still approved the troops approaching the front line to make up for Jun Chen’s rank in the southwest after the southwest war … Mr. Chen, did you say that I supported you less?"
Chen zhongren didn’t say anything
"Today, you and I won’t talk about some detours, so it’s simple and direct," Zhou Xingli continued. "You want to hide the original garrison area on the salt island, you want to take the key, and now you want to send troops to help Pu end the war, and you want to bypass the military department to forcibly participate in the war. Don’t you have a war zone and a group of onlookers waiting for the opportunity to enter? You can’t take all the good things to yourself, and you have to give them to others at the right time!"
Chen Zhongren took a look at Zhou Xingli. "Chief, it is said outside that there are anti-Chen forces in the seventh district. I am very vague after listening to this. I want to ask you if you really have this force?"
After Zhou Xingli paused for a few seconds, his words simply said, "If you are too arbitrary, you must have it."
"That seems to be true." Chen Zhongren responded with a smile.
"Mr. Chen Yandao shares, please give up a little. Let these jealous people sit at the table and have fun, so that the problem of mobilizing the fleet can be solved." Zhou Xingli sighed and patted his sofa armrest and said, "The chair of the highest military officer is not easy to sit on. It is difficult to take care of your emotions and win some benefits for others …"
Chen Zhongren didn’t answer the phone.
"Commander Chen, can you give me the humble opinion of this chief executive?" Zhou Xingli smiled heartily. "Don’t hang me!"
Chen Zhongren looked up at his eyes. "Ok, let me study."
Say that finish Chen Zhongren leg up.
Zhou Xingli looked at him and said, "Mr. Chen, I still have two years to expire. Don’t worry too much."
Chen Zhongren turned to look at him. "Hehe, I support you after two years."
"I’m exhausted from working." Zhou Xingli waved.
"I walked first" Chen Zhongren left with a smile.
Back to a war zone car
"Dad, what did Chief Zhou say?" Chen Jun asked
"The talk is not ideal," Chen Zhongren said thoughtfully for a long time. "You have a video conference with Gu Yan Qin Yu and ask them if they agree to give up some shares."
"Give up shares?" Jun Chen looked stunned. "Is Chief Zhou so tough?"
"Well, he almost had a showdown with me." Chen Zhongren confessed at the son in a low voice.
While the father and son were discussing, the General Logistics Department of the Military Department issued three orders. First, the military combat unit sealed off the port of South Shanghai Military Port. Without the direct order of the General Logistics Department of the Military Department, a speedboat was not allowed to transfer the offenders privately. The military law was ordered by the General Logistics Department of the Second Military Department. The troops in World War II were temporarily stationed along the road leading to Chuanfu in the Seventh District for two months. The direct order of the General Logistics Department of the Third Military Department directly refused to all brigade-level combat units in the First and Second War Zones and the Navy. The pertinence of the direct order was very obvious.
Teng Pangshi, the first independent division of Qin Yu, has been withdrawn from the three san position and sent by Gu Yanxin to the top of the troops.
After the two divisions left the battlefield, they rushed to the old triangle estuary area to help Publind kill Wu Junsheng as quickly as possible at any time.
More minutes late.
The big troops passed by the 56th army headquarters, Coco Xu Yanglin Chengdong and others rushed to meet Qin Yu when they heard that their troops had arrived.


Say that finish two people ended the call.
Teng Pang’s three regimental city defenders fought fiercely for more than three hours before they were removed on a large scale.
This battle was extremely tragic. The gap in the wall of the seven special zones changed hands several times. The two sides held close-range hand-to-hand combat with meat grinder, but in the end, the enemy occupied favorable terrain and had heavy firepower support to beat Teng Pang back.
After Teng Pang came, the independent first division changed two regiments here to attack in order not to let the other side rest.
The gun went off all day, and it didn’t stop until more minutes later outside Jiujiang City.
Teng Pang, the camp of the Independent First Division, rubbed his face and said to Qin Yu, "Mom, I have been beaten by one and a half regiments for more than three hours. I didn’t sacrifice so many people in three san."
"Thank you, Teng Ge!"
"I’m not telling you this to be human," Teng Pang waved his hand. "I calculated a frontal attack. Even if the equipment is hard, there will be less three soldiers. It’s definitely not possible to fight like this for a soldier on the opposite side!"
"Late general assault" Qin Yu gritted his teeth and replied, "Daya organized the death squads to prepare for late infiltration."
Teng fat alpha males "death squads? How to penetrate? "
A new group of temporary resident Daya looked at the 300 warriors who had changed their clothes and said, "I will personally lead the team to take the initiative to come out, and there will be no words mobilized by a coward. I won’t talk about it. Before leaving, everyone can drink three or two liquors. I will take you to Jiujiang with a gun!"
Chapter 1791 Smuggling
Around half past ten
Daya personally took the "death squads" from near the wilderness on the south side of Jiujiang and sneaked into the Meijiang River outside the wall of the SAR.
The soldier lay motionless in that snow, avoiding the searchlight that might sweep at any moment.
The thin ice layer of Meijiang River floats in living water and flows slowly.
Fang looked down at the map and waved and said, "Feng Lianchang"
A young man immediately leaned in.
"You take six people to dive and see what’s going on." Daya ordered, "Don’t hurry and slow down."
Feng Lianchang replied, and immediately pointed out six soldiers from their own people, took off their coats and exposed the diving equipment in the special warfare, and thumped into the river.
After about twenty minutes, the water bubbled and seven people climbed out of the water.
"How about it?" Tooth gather together in the past immediately asked 1
Feng Lianchang took off his diving goggles and gasped, "There is an iron fence at the outlet, and there are two layers of water flowing out. The water is dirty and smelly. There should be a wastewater treatment plant inside. I think there should be no problem in marking the engineering drawings."
"There are two layers of railings?" Daya asked
"Well, it was welded to death," Feng Lianchang nodded. "After I emerged in the water, I took a look along the railing and found no military defense points at present."
"Go again and get the mechanical pliers to dry the railing for me first. You can swim in and see the situation." Daya thought and ordered.
"Yes!" Feng Lianchang almost didn’t rest and immediately returned to the shore to get the corresponding equipment, and six soldiers returned to the water again.
Most of the soldiers drank according to Daya’s orders before coming, and they were still lying in the snow and didn’t feel too cold.
Daya looked down at his watch, although it was tight, but he was very patient and waited patiently.
Jiujiang city
This afternoon, Colonel Xun has been promoted to Jiujiang Garrison 1 Brigade and Great Wall by the World War II Command. At present, the two garrison troops in the Great Wall are all deployed by him.
More minutes at nine o’clock in the evening
Brigadier Xun is taking a military vehicle to check the defense points in the city.
"Didi Lingling!"
The bell rang for a while.
"Hello, team leader Jianfei" and brigade commander Xun answered the phone.
"Xunlv, I told you, just call me Jianfei bro." Jianfei smiled and said, "We don’t get along so well."
"Ha ha good"
"You promoted brigade commander, we have prepared a small celebration dinner. Would you like to come and sit down?" Jianfei said softly, "If you don’t drink, you just sit down."
"I’m checking the garrison situation in the street. Now forget about the dinner in special period." Old Xun replied with a smile. "Let’s sit alone when we go back later."
"It’s ok." Jian Fei asked the question after greeting each other. "I just heard from the brigade that Teng Pangshi lost a lot when he attacked the city." !”
"Teng Pangshi’s fighting capacity is a little stronger than that of Chuanfu." Old Xun said bluntly, "This is not the quality of soldiers but the weapons and equipment. They moved a tank regiment to attack the city today. We did suffer a little loss, but the impact was not great … It is difficult for them to show this scale attack again. It is hard to say that he Teng Pangshi is not Qin Yu who will not light up his troops in this matter."
"That’s good."

The big mushroom shakes its body slightly, maybe it feels a lot of pressure?

Lin Chong’s step is to instill this avatar into his mind one by one every day, and instill the idea that I am a radar, I am a router, and I want to send the signal back to Zhoushan …
Then it is sent to buzhoushan, where buzhoushan takes over to create a continuous dream, and then he practices Huangliangshu in his dream. In this period, Lu Sheng’s help is indispensable.
Lu Sheng is very happy to be able to return to the magical’ dream wonderland’ and is willing to help a mushroom man learn the pipe trick.
Judging from its variety, Lin Chongzhen suspects that Lu Sheng may be the incarnation of Five Blessingg, which is a naive, simple and lecherous life.
But again, if you are faced with one mistake and lose the whole game, and you are not the only one who loses, but also the country behind you, then you can’t be too cautious.
Lin told himself this way.
In a flash, another year has passed.
Lin Chong ushered in the harvest time, not only from the second to the sixth, but also the production of giant mushrooms reached five and a half years a month, thirty a year and sixty a year.
At present, the total number of avatars is sixty.
excellent harvest
Chapter one hundred and forty-nine A gasification of three thousand
This batch manufacturing incarnation is like this.
Color or mushroom yellow color-this is the color of big mushroom root diameter.
Height is about the size of the palm of your hand-no matter how small the method is, it is planned to make the signal strength bigger than that of radar-based and giant screen display, but it still stays on paper if it takes up too much mushroom resources.
Image capsule appearance-just like a capsule pill, either flat or tall.
Eyebrow eyes have one or two eyes and a big mouth-the eyes will make a simple logo tone when observing the surrounding mouth, which does not constitute a language system.
Limbs have short limbs-easy to run or get tools.
That’s right. As a whole, it looks like Minions in Despicable Me, Despicable Me and Minions Lie.
Lin Chong is modeled after the Minions template. First, it is easy for him to accept. Second, it is the easiest shape to make.
The problem is that it’s easy to confuse its name.
After one year, the size of the small yellow mushroom corps has expanded to 60 members.
The latter 60 are endowed by Lu Sheng and a small yellow mushroom in front of him in the mountain without a dream.
Now Lin Chong can always see such a scene in front of him.
More than a dozen small yellow mushrooms lined up on the floor, running neatly and shouting slogans. They shouted "Cheep, cheep, cheep!" "
After all, Lin Chong, the incarnation, can understand what they are yelling at.
Yelling, "Who are we? We are the eyes of the law! What are we doing? The eyes of the law are missing all the time! "
Then he shouted "cheep!"
The meaning of’ chong’
Like death squads, they rushed out of the wall one after another and changed into a two-dimensional form, crawling out of the snow valley. Of course, this process is very long, and they will last for several days at a time.
In buzhoushan, you can see the image and audio data coming back through IPV74 protocol … that is to say, the monitor team can last as far as the residence of the Great Sage in Shanxuanpeng, and will return all the scenery and real-time dynamics to 74.
After reaching the farthest point, the watchful eye team climbed back in a few days, and once and for a while, the tour lasted for less than half a month. Lin Chong felt that this scene was very … very real and passionate.
In the future, there are more and more small yellow mushrooms, and then there are team Fajing, team Eye and team Dongfeng.
When the mirror squad is practicing, Lin Chong will sit on the sofa with him, and then seven little yellow mushrooms clamber’ squeak, squeak’ and climb the tea table.
Lin knew they were yelling, "Who are we? We are Fajing! What are we doing? We are 32 inches! "
Then seven small yellow mushrooms are combined in two dimensions in the air to form a 32-inch black and white line display, and the signal is also displayed on it through IPV74 protocol, which shows the real situation observed by the eye team.
This simulation is a water mirror, a negative mirror and a positive mirror … I might as well wear a VR helmet and go to Buzhoushan to see it … There is still a color screen there …
Although I think so, Lin Chong still has to applaud and applaud to encourage the little yellow mushrooms, whose self-esteem is very fragile.
The Eye of the Eye team is even more arrogant because they can communicate with Wan Li and directly connect to Chang ‘an, the capital of Datang.
A group of 20 small yellow mushrooms form a standard disc-shaped radar shape signal outside the boundary wall, and then the signal can be sent back to the forest where the forest is located.
"Squeak, squeak!"
"Who are we? We are the eyes of heaven! What are we doing? The eye of the sky is connected with the three realms! "
A water mirror can solve the problem. You have made it so complicated … Lin Chong smiled and applauded to show encouragement.
Team Yu Dongfeng is top secret. They are still receiving special training in Buzhoushan.
A year after the first little yellow mushroom appeared, the basic structure of the little yellow mushroom legion was formed, and then it was necessary to fill in thousands of people to form Lin Chong and 74′ s imagination of the future
At present, these small yellow mushrooms, which are trained in neat teams on the floor, will be the backbone of the future legion.
I was thinking that suddenly a small yellow mushroom with a long hanging eye came running. He was so angry that he’ squeaked’ and protested to Lin Chong.

"Yes" Qin Yu nodded.

"Ha ha" Egor smiled and stepped in and replied, "From the standpoint of allies, if there is a government in the three major regions in the future and it is dominated by the Sichuan government, it will naturally be of great benefit to us, but from the national and ethnic level, it is our long-term interest to continue the political division of the three major regions."
This statement is too realistic, and there is no taboo.
Qin Yu made no secret of his disappointment, frowning and not answering the words.
"Sending troops to help Beifengkou may be condemned by the people in the six districts." Egor continued after a pause. "It is difficult for the parliament to pass this military action."
"If Beifengkou can’t keep it, I’ll give it up," Qin Yu said with a straight face. "Wu Xian returned to Erlonggang. If we can’t keep it, we will return to the ninth district and win the army again!"
Egor rubbed his hands and his eyes blinked quickly.
"If we lose the war, I will do my best to reinforce Beifengkou and fight with Freedom at all costs, and try my best to get back the lost land. If we win the war and raise the three major areas for three years, I will definitely go out of Beifengkou and attack the Xibe area to attack the main city of Freedom in the sixth area!" Qin Yu stepped in and added
"You mean that if we go forward and don’t help, we will be enemies, right?" Egor is still very straightforward asked.
"I didn’t say that you would be enemies of the three regions, but as you said, since you want to consider the long-term interests from the national level, we must also ensure the military security of the north gate of the three regions after reunification." Qin Yu pointed to the other side and replied, "The position is not decided by me, but by you."
Egor was silent again.
Meng Xi looked at each other and felt the tit-for-tat atmosphere in the house. He immediately said in a teasing tone, "Ha ha Lao Ye! I said a word is not very nice. You have been at a political disadvantage and a military disadvantage in the sixth district … and there has been no strong regional support. If our Sichuan army is unified this time … then the future will be great for you. At least you will be relieved when you are fighting for freedom. "
Meng Xi answered the words and Qin Yu stopped talking.
"We can exchange a lot of resources when the three regions are unified," Meng Xi said according to Qin Yu’s eyes. "For example, if you have a small population and less arable land, we can give you a granary in Hucha and run it by yourself. If you can’t do it, you can also hire our workers in the three regions."
"You can give us the granary and drop it. It’s not that our resources may be interrupted at any time." Egor replied very much.
Lu district
Qi Lin looked at the battle plan and carefully considered it for a long time, then said, "You can do it according to your plan!"
"Yes!" Xiaobai salutes
Chapter 252 Brilliant people are all old and black
Jiangbian Qin Gu Bing Tuan Zhan Shi
Qin Yu looked at Egor with a smile and asked, "You don’t want me to sell Hucha land to you, do you?"
"If that’s the case, I can promise you now on behalf of Qianjin that we will help you hold off the attack on Beifengkou troops and ensure that you can win the war with China." Egor replied very directly instead of avoiding this topic.
Qin Yu’s face became very serious when he heard this, and he replied coldly, "Which military and political forces in the three major regions have you seen cede their land since the beginning of the new era? Even my defeated Shen Wanzhou didn’t do such a thing when he was in the most difficult time! Do you think I will promise you? "
Egor stood up slowly with a serious face and said, "Commander, I don’t mean to disrespect you. I think this is an alliance interest replacement. We are negotiating. Of course, I want my government to strive for the best interests."
"If this is the case, there is no need to talk about it." Qin Yu’s face is very ugly and he directly waved and said, "We will solve the North Wind Mouth thing ourselves, that’s all."
At this, two soldiers went into the room and turned against each other. They stood beside Egor with guns on their backs and said coldly, "Please."
Egor is the most bird people in Chuanfu. He found that these people can smile with you one second, as if they can wear a pair of pants at any time, but the next second, they may turn against each other and refuse to talk about it.
"Commander-in-Chief, I hope you can attack Beifengkou freely with the belief of winning …"
"Get out!" Before Qin Yu could speak, the soldiers had already kicked people out.
Egor Naidi sighed and shook his head and said, "Mr. Commander, I hope you can keep going."
Say that finish Egor stepped away.
After people left, Qin Yusong loosened his neckline and scolded, "Mahler Gobi still wants land, and his appetite is not small."
"Commander … aren’t you a little pretentious?" Meng Xi kindly wake up.
"Fuck off" Qin Yu looked up and asked testily, "What do you want? Go, go, go. "