

1. **活血暖胃**:醪糟酒能促进血液循环,提高人体抗寒能力,对于胃部冷痛等症状有缓解作用。在寒冷的冬季,适量饮用可以使人体的手脚不再冰冷,有助于增强体质。

2. **调节神经**:醪糟酒具有独特的芳香气味和微量元素,这些成分有助于调节神经,使人放松,预防神经衰弱,减少失眠多梦、健忘和忧郁等症状。

3. **开胃促消化**:醪糟酒含有丰富的维生素、葡萄糖、氨基酸等营养成分,饮用后可以开胃提神,促进消化。


4. **提高生理机能和延缓衰老**:醪糟酒中的营养成分有助于提高生理机能,延缓衰老,对健康人及老年人都有益处。

5. **防治骨质疏松和佝偻病**:醪糟酒中的某些成分有助于预防骨质疏松和佝偻病,对骨骼健康有积极作用。

6. **大补元气,固脱生津,安神**:对于身体虚弱、大病初愈者,适量饮用醪糟酒有助于大补元气,固脱生津,安神。

7. **改善肝失疏泄,脾运不力,气滞血瘀等症状**:醪糟酒有助于改善肝脏和脾脏的功能,对气滞血瘀有缓解作用。

8. **有利于孕妇和哺乳期妇女**:对于孕妇和哺乳期妇女,醪糟酒可以利水消肿,通利乳汁,有助于产后恢复。

9. **促进食欲和帮助消化**:醪糟酒中的营养成分可以增进食欲,帮助消化,适合消化不良的人群。




1. **药用功效**:
– **清热利湿**:木槿花性味甘苦、凉,具有清热利湿的作用,适用于治疗湿热引起的症状。
– **凉血解毒**:对于血热妄行所致的吐血、衄血、尿血等症状,以及肠风泻血、赤白痢疾等,木槿花均有一定的治疗效果。
– **润肺止咳**:适用于肺热咳嗽、咳血等症状,对肺痈也有辅助治疗作用。
– **消肿止痛**:对于疮疖痈肿、烫伤等炎症性疾病,木槿花有消肿止痛的效果。
– **调经止带**:对于妇女白带过多、月经不调等症状,木槿花也有一定的调治作用。

2. **营养价值**:
– **蛋白质和纤维**:木槿花含有丰富的蛋白质和粗纤维,有助于维持身体健康。
– **维生素和矿物质**:木槿花含有维生素C、氨基酸、铁、钙、锌等营养素,对增强体质、补充微量元素有益。


– **黄酮类活性化合物**:木槿花中含有的黄酮类化合物具有抗氧化作用,有助于预防疾病。

3. **食用用途**:
– **美味佳肴**:木槿花蕾和完全绽放的花朵均可食用,口感清脆或滑爽,可凉拌、炒制或做汤,味道清香,营养丰富。
– **保健饮品**:木槿花可制成木槿花汁,具有止渴醒脑的保健作用,适合高血压患者食用。

4. **美容养颜**:
– **煮水清洗肌肤**:用木槿花煮水清洗肌肤,可以起到一定的美容养颜效果。
– **改善头皮瘙痒**:煮水外洗可以改善头皮瘙痒症状。

5. **注意事项**:
– 女性在经期应慎重服用木槿花,如服用后出现不适,应立即停用并就医。



1. **驱风通络**:天麻具有祛风、通络、止痛的功效,适用于治疗因风邪引起的肢体麻木、筋骨疼痛等症状。

2. **息风止痉**:天麻对于肝风引起的惊风抽搐有良好的治疗效果,能够缓解肌肉痉挛。

3. **美容养颜**:猪蹄富含胶原蛋白,能够帮助皮肤保持弹性和光泽,有助于美容养颜。

4. **补充维生素E**:猪蹄中的维生素E有助于清除体内的自由基,对延缓衰老有一定作用。

5. **镇静安神**:天麻还具有镇静安神的作用,对于焦虑、失眠等神经系统问题有缓解效果。

6. **增强免疫力**:天麻猪蹄汤中丰富的营养素能够增强人体的免疫力和抵抗力。

7. **滋补身体**:天麻和猪蹄都是滋补的食物,天麻炖猪蹄可以提供蛋白质、矿物质等营养成分,有助于滋补身体。

8. **治疗头痛头晕**:天麻炖猪蹄对于血管神经性头痛、头晕有很好的缓解作用。

9. **缓解关节痛**:对于关节痛、颈椎病、神经炎等疾病有一定的缓解效果。


10. **辅助治疗腰椎间盘突出**:对于腰椎间盘突出引起的腰椎疼痛,食用天麻炖猪蹄可以起到一定的缓解作用。





1. **提高生育能力**:黑玛卡被誉为“玛卡之王”,具有提高生育能力的功效。它含有多种生物活性物质,如玛卡酰胺和玛卡烯,能够调节荷尔蒙水平,对改善男性精子数量和质量、女性月经不调等问题有积极作用。


2. **抗疲劳与增强体力**:黑玛卡富含铁、蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质锌和牛磺酸等成分,能有效对抗疲劳,增强肌肉耐力,抵抗运动性疲劳,恢复精力,是一种天然的体力增强剂。

3. **改善性功能障碍**:黑玛卡中的营养成分能够有效缩短反应时间,迅速勃起,提高勃起硬度,对阳痿早泄等性功能障碍有改善作用。

4. **补充体力与能量**:黑玛卡生长在贫瘠的高原环境中,其独特的生长条件赋予了它高能量特性。它能迅速补充体力,消除疲劳,恢复精力。

5. **改善睡眠质量**:由于现代人生活压力大,90%以上的人都在承受压力,黑玛卡能帮助改善睡眠质量,缓解压力。

6. **调节内分泌系统**:黑玛卡通过调节肾上腺、胰腺等功能,平衡荷尔蒙水平,有助于调节内分泌系统。

7. **增强免疫力**:黑玛卡能够增强机体抗病力,提高免疫力,从而预防疾病。

8. **促进新陈代谢**:黑玛卡含有多种营养成分,有助于促进新陈代谢,维持身体健康。


9. **改善贫血症状**:黑玛卡中的铁元素有助于改善贫血症状,使肤色看起来更年轻,精气神更足。



1. **营养素丰富**:
– **纤维素**:耳菜中含有丰富的纤维素,有助于促进胃肠蠕动,加速食物在体内的吸收,促进消化功能,提高食欲。


– **微量元素**:耳菜富含铁、磷等人体必需的微量元素,这些元素对增强人体抵抗力和免疫力、保护肝脏、减少癌因子蓄积有积极作用。
– **维生素**:耳菜中富含多种维生素,有助于维护身体健康。

2. **药用价值**:
– **清热明目**:耳菜具有清热明目的功效,可用于治疗目赤红肿、夜盲等症状。
– **收敛益气**:耳菜能收收敛益气,适用于治疗久痢和脱肛等病症。
– **抗菌消炎**:外用耳菜可以消肿止痛,对于烫火伤、疔疮等有一定的辅助治疗作用。


3. **对常见病的治疗作用**:
– **肺结核**:老鼠耳菜与白芨一起煎制后服用,可用于治疗肺结核。
– **肝炎**:老鼠耳菜与金丝草一起煎制后服用,有助于治疗肝炎。
– **胃痛**:老鼠耳菜用白酒炖制后服用,对胃寒和胃痛有治疗作用。
– **筋骨酸痛**:老鼠耳菜与买麻藤、千斤拔等煮制后食用,可舒筋活血,治疗筋骨无力与酸痛。

4. **其他益处**:
– **祛风除湿**:老鼠耳菜性温,味涩,具有祛风除湿、消肿止痛的功效,适用于治疗风湿性关节炎等。
– **利尿除湿**:耳菜含有钙、磷、铁等微量元素,有助于利尿除湿,促进机体水、电解质平衡。
– **减肥轻身**:老鼠耳菜富含易被人体吸收的钙质,有助于减肥轻身,促进排毒,防止便秘。

5. **注意事项**:
– 脾胃虚弱的人群应慎用耳菜,因为过多食用可能导致腹泻。
– 耳菜虽然营养丰富,但过量食用也可能导致不良反应,因此应适量食用。



### 药效


1. **活血化瘀**:川芎中的川芎嗪和阿魏酸纳具有活血化瘀的作用,能够改善血液循环,消除体内淤血,对于因血液循环不畅引起的各种症状有缓解作用。

2. **扩张冠状动脉**:川芎制剂能够扩张冠状动脉,增加冠脉流量,对于缓解心绞痛有一定的帮助。

3. **抗血栓形成**:川芎还具有抗血栓形成的作用,对于预防血栓性疾病有积极作用。

4. **抗菌作用**:川芎提取液对多种细菌,如伤寒杆菌、副伤寒杆菌、霍乱弧菌、绿脓杆菌及致病性皮肤真菌等,具有抑制作用。

5. **平滑肌解痉作用**:川芎内酯具有平滑肌解痉的作用,可以抑制肠肌和子宫收缩。

6. **抗放射线作用**:川芎制剂还具有抗放射线的作用。

### 功效

1. **头痛眩晕**:川芎对于头痛,尤其是风寒、风热、血虚引起的头痛有显著疗效。

2. **风湿痹痛**:川芎可以祛风除湿,对于风湿痹痛有一定的缓解作用。

3. **胸肋刺痛**:对于胸肋刺痛,川芎可以活血行气,缓解疼痛。


4. **跌打肿痛**:川芎可以活血化瘀,用于跌打损伤后的肿痛。

5. **闭经痛经、月经不调**:川芎对于妇科疾病,如闭经、痛经、月经不调等,有很好的调理作用。

6. **产后瘀阻腹痛**:产后出现瘀阻腹痛,川芎可以活血化瘀,缓解疼痛。

7. **其他**:川芎还可以用于治疗痈疽疮疡、寒痹痉挛等。

### 使用方法



Shen Nan heart again surprised again afraid gently shaking Shen Mengqi body asked "sister, how are you? Don’t scare me, okay? When things have passed, I won’t blame you … "

Shen Nan words not finished see Shen Mengqi turned to stare at his tears.
"I regret it."
There has been little change in Sumo Mansion in the past years.
Sue ink carrying canglang reality leap lightly landed in the yard.
The peach blossoms are in full bloom in the middle of the courtyard.
In a short time, the real person is already gray-haired and dying.
The huge abdominal wound is constantly losing qi and blood, and then the broken road is destroyed, and the real person is aging very fast!
Wrinkles like engraved on his face, eyes deeply sunken, eyes turbid, and it’s a dying day.
Su Mo threw Canglang real person to the peach tree and asked, "Do you know what brought you here?"
Canglang reality has no strength to speak. He knows that he will die today. His eyes are bitterly staring at Su Mo.
"Years ago, you burned Zhuifeng in front of me. Although it is a spirit beast, I regard it as a relative and partner."
Su Mo clenched his fist slightly and said coldly, "The ashes of Zhuifeng are buried in this peach tree. I told you that one day I would spill your surging blood here!"
Canglang real eyes suddenly become more complicated.
There’s resentment, regret, fear and reluctance …
"If I hadn’t chased the wind years ago, I would have died in your true fire."
Su Mo grabbed Canglang’s real head. In his eyes, generate said slowly, "Canglang, you pay for it!"
Su Mo leaned out his fingertips and severely crossed the throat of Canglang!
Blood gushed out and fell on peach trees.
Chapter five hundred and fifty Bury the past
The Shenyang courtyard is a mess.
Shen Mengqi’s face became more and more ugly in situ, and she was covered with a mass of black fog, and she could fall at any time.
Shen Nan beside carefully holding her watching this scene but ability.
Originally, he hoped that with his sister’s worship in Xianmen, he and his family could also soar.
But now it’s all gone
Shen Nan’s heart is not lost.
At this moment, he is looking forward to his sister’s life, even if they are poor and plain again, it is better to be alone.
Shen Nan asked softly, "Why don’t you lie down and have a rest?"
Shen Mengqi shook his head gently and obstinately tried to open his eyes and looked at the door as if he were waiting for something.
She knows that if she lies down now, she may never get up again
The night faded away.
Finally, there is a familiar figure at the door.
Blue, black hair and fine eyes.
This man has spent several hours with her, happy and warm.
Now this man has come to see her off for the last time.
Shen Mengqi whispered, "Take me there."

Only then did he realize what a terrible group of practitioners they were facing!

Ji Yaoxue is in despair.
Da Zhou is dead!
Chapter one thousand and ninety-seven Someone bullied you
"Something is wrong!"
Road flyover Ze looks pale.
Road flyover Flying Wolf is strong in combat power, but it is impossible to be so strong.
What’s more, if the flying wolf Taoist has such a fighting power, he will obey the Daxia Dynasty?
Since the collapse of Dagan Empire 10,000 years ago, the four dynasties in the northern region have long since lost their former imperial power and grace.
In those days, there were two great Buddhists in Dagan Empire.
The strength of the empire can also be super-clan!
Now, don’t say that even the top ten families in the northern region are not as good as the four dynasties.
Road flyover Flying Wolf is more than enough to get started. Will he join the Daxia Dynasty?
Ze Zhenjun vaguely realized that it might be more terrible for Da Zhou to face the enemy this time than the three dynasties!
How confident do you have to be to visit the King City of Zhou Dynasty in Santian?
In the summer, I smiled leisurely. "Why are these returning Taoist priests so weak and vulnerable?"
Big deep and remote days coldly said, "Ji Yaoxue, more than 100 years ago, your lover Su Mo raped and killed one million people in the Cang Lang Mountains! It’s time to settle this account. "
Ji Yaoxue knows that Zhou will die today, and there is no fear in her heart. She sneers, "You three dynasties invaded Zhou’s place and slaughtered millions of people!"
"Those untouchables who dare to resist my three dynasties in Julian Waghann are willing to fight for their own lives!"
There was a ferocious grin in Dashangtian’s eyes. "Ji Yaoxue Sumo has become a cripple. I don’t know if this blood debt can be counted on you!"
Hearing this name, Ji Yaoxue’s eyes darkened.
She also heard about the World War I ten years ago.
I’m afraid that even if Su Mo can return, it’s not the Uber who was once the enemy.
Such a blow is enough to destroy people!
Ji Yaoxue looked at the distance and sighed in her heart, "I wonder if you are ill … goodbye to us in this life."
At this moment, she felt a strong yearning.
Like a merry-go-round before death, scenes of two people getting along emerge in front of us.
She immersed herself in it and smiled, and her eyes gradually became moist.
These scenes finally condensed into a figure and appeared in her blurred vision.
Blue, upright, slender, black hair, clear eyes, smiling and looking at her, her eyes are soft and walking slowly.
Have you been hallucinating?
Ji Yaoxue sniffed and laughed. ChuiShou slightly pulled out a dagger and prepared to die here.
Just then, she suddenly found that the monks present were staring in that direction and looked shocked!
"Sue Sue …"
Road flyover Ze pointed to the distance and said two words in disbelief, but he couldn’t say it anymore.
Ji Yaoxue vaguely realized what suddenly looked up.
Not far away, a blue monk really appeared in her sight, and soon she had come near!
Isn’t it an illusion?
"Who is this person?"
Big summer frown asked
This blue monk is just returning to the virtual world, but some monks see this man as if he had seen a ghost!
"It’s him!"
The eyes of the Red Tiger Taoist in Longhu Pavilion sank and said, "Su Mo, the Taoist of the Wild Martial Arts!"
There was a flash of cold light in the eyes of the young people in green robes in the crowd. "It’s interesting that dealing with some small fish and shrimp led to a big fish."
"Ah …"
Da Youtian sneered, "If this man had some deterrent ten years ago, now he is just a basket case!"
Jiyaoxue stare at bearer is still some incredible gently call a.
Her voice trembled and slowly stretched out her palm to try to touch Su Mo’s cheek, but she was afraid to palm her hand in the middle.
She was afraid that if she touched it, the illusion would disappear!
Su Mo came to Ji Yaoxue and held out her palm to gently wipe the tears from her eyes.
Feeling the warmth in the palm of your hand, JiYao doubts again in the snow.
This is not an illusion!
The person in front of me is Su Mo!
Listen to Su Mo gently sigh "Someone bullied you"
I don’t know if this sigh falls on the monk’s back, and suddenly a chill rises and his hair stands on end!
This feeling is like being caught in a huge disaster and being stared at by some pure blood fierce beast!
Even the green youth are frowning and feel scalp pins and needles.
He shook his head to get rid of this feeling.

"Then if I can make the enemy’s special zone wall fail in a short time and make the outer zone solid and chaotic … is there a head start?" Meng Xi asked

Lincheng’s eyes lit up. "Of course, let’s hear it!"
Chapter 2524 Point
Qin Yu’s crusade to the west in recent years has brought Sichuan government to this level. In fact, the biggest gain is not only the territory, how much resources the troops have mastered, but also a very key point-that is, talent.
Unconsciously, Qin Yu has gathered many top political talents, management talents and military talents in the three major regions.
If the old cast doesn’t count, let’s take it for now. The adviser’s family was born in Meng Xi, and Huo Zhenghua, a famous forest city, once shook a feather fan for Governor Gu in the district. Shock, a military intelligence family, and Zheng, the goalkeeper of the ninth district of Wu Di, were also collected before. Xun Chengwei, Fu Zhenguo and Dachuan are now in Italy and so on …
These people pull out one at random, and they are all outstanding in their respective fields. They are always under his command because of the governor or relatives with Qin Yu.
At the beginning, the five cores of Tiancheng’s "Qin Qi Cat in Horse" have developed to the present, and the top-level summit team think tank team plus a list of officers’ team members and backbones may have reached four digits.
It’s true that the boss Cao said that General Fang would hunt in Wu with a million soldiers.
Of course, this is a bit boastful. B belittles the other party and exaggerates himself, but it must mean that.
It is such a group of elites who have gathered in the Qin and Yu War Department to study Xu Hancheng, an oxygen tank player.
Meng Xi’s ideas and strategies are very novel, but there are many loopholes, especially with rich combat experience. Lincheng first affirmed Meng Xi’s ability, and then quickly filled several defects in his plan.
As soon as Lincheng interrupted, everyone’s thoughts were beaten. The staff team of Shawk’s Northwest Advance Army gave suggestions to improve Meng Xi’s plan.
A person’s wisdom is limited, and now no matter what he does, he must pay attention to team spirit.
After everyone expressed their opinions, they finally negotiated a complete attack plan. After listening to it for a long time, Qin Yu expressed his approval and finally shouted a meeting.
Lincheng and Lishan are both at war, and they will leave immediately after the meeting.
The helicopter couldn’t help but ask Lin Cheng, "Uncle Lin, I heard an officer say … did you have officers with soldiers drinking during the war in your grass-roots units?"
"Yes," Lincheng nodded. "I allowed the troops to withdraw and rest to gather for drinking."
Li Zhan looked puzzled when he heard this. B "It is a big taboo for officers to take the lead in drinking during the war!"
"Who told you it was a taboo?" Lincheng asked
"I haven’t heard of any army that can’t help drinking in wartime since ancient times."
"The surface is forbidden, but are you forbidden?" Lincheng’s words flatly replied, "Soldiers in wartime are the most dangerous jobs in the sky. One moment ago, they were lying under the covers, and people might die in the trenches. What can soldiers do to relieve this mental pressure?" By shouting slogans? That’s bullshit! "
There is some truth in listening to the calendar war that has not been refuted.
"Do you know that there is a kind of methamphetamine?"
"I know."
"There is a saying that this poison was developed by the Japanese side during World War II, and by default, many soldiers in the army made it highly addictive by injection at that time," Lincheng said calmly. "A small amount of it will make people excited, whether they will be tired or not and reduce their fear. Is this the ideal state of fighting troops?"
Through the war have never heard of this statement can’t help but nodded his head.
"Of course, whether this matter is true or not needs to be dialectical, and it is impossible for us to allow troops to do this," Lincheng continued. "But what do I want to say? Soldiers are like strings that are strained one by one. You can’t keep them in this state all the time, and you can’t keep pulling this string endlessly, which will break you sooner or later. At the same time, you have to find ways to help him decompress. The ability of military officers is not only reflected in the battle command, but also on the one hand, you have to make the mental state of the troops healthy, because it will directly feed back to your department’ Keeping out the cold can reduce wartime fear, and soldiers can fall asleep quickly … It’s better to block it than to dredge it. You just don’t let them drink, and they steal it. It’s better to turn this situation into a controllable one. At least no one dares to overdo it when the officers stare. "
Lincheng may have said a lot about calendar wars because of Qin Yu. "I have observed that your Sichuan government troops are very offensive and cohesive, which is what I need to learn from you, but … on the whole, it is still too tense. Many soldiers have lost their lives after each battle, and their faces are almost as silent and sad as those of the terrifying … People have not recovered from the last battle, but the soldiers will be more and more war-weary."
Lincheng dialect can be said to be very thoughtful, and it was greatly inspired after listening to the war.
"If you are interested in this game, you can come to our army and have a look." Lincheng took the initiative to invite 1.
"Good!" Li Zhan immediately nodded, "Thank you, Uncle Lin!"
"Thank me for my fart. You young people will be in the future," Lin Cheng said with a yawn. "If my eldest brother goes to Taiwan smoothly, I’ll be the first to quit my job and go to an army university to train people."
Li Zhan was awed when he heard this. "… Qin Yu said that you are different from others."
"This small, yao mouth is good! When I first met him in the ninth district, I could see that he couldn’t wait for the horse to call me uncle … "Lincheng really commented," Hey, Qin Yu’s competitors, he was fooled by my niece before she finished her intellectual development. "
"How do you say this?" Historical war question
"When she met Qin Yu, it was the time when she was in trouble with her family," Lin Cheng replied swearing. "She can have trouble with her parents in this family. Isn’t that a problem with her intellectual development?"
Through the war slowly nodded "makes sense …"
next day
When the plan to capture Jiujiang was about to be implemented, the Lu-Huai army was about to reach the central line.
In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan, Qin Yu immediately ordered Huo Zhenghua and others to "let’s slip away and hurry to Jiujiang when they come."
same evening
Meng Xi, who returned to Yanbei after the meeting yesterday, has already appeared at the airport and asked Fu Zhen, "What can you do with this job?"
"Report to Director Meng that everyone in Chuanfu is a paratrooper!"
"You step on the horse and talk!"
"… I can do it!"
Chapter 2525 Advance!
9: 30 pm
Qin Yu led the central line troops to move closer to Jiujiang as planned, and at the same time, the Lincheng part of the War Department launched another attack on Jiujiang from two directions with 40 thousand frontier corps.
After the battle, the 40 thousand frontier corps relied on heavy armored combat units such as armored vehicles and tanks to advance rapidly to control the loss of troops
This battle is not easy to fight, because at present, Xu Hancheng’s garrison troops around Jiujiang have shrunk, almost all of them rely on the edge of Jiujiang City. Every step forward, the Coalition forces have to face heavy enemy fire attacks and lay a large number of minefields at the forefront.
To put it simply, the idea of this war is to replace casualties with tanks and armored vehicles. Although there are fewer casualties, the arms loss is great.
Jiujiang city
Xu Hancheng looked at the battle report on the screen and said with a smile, "Gu Taian didn’t give Qin Yu all the money in the area. Now this little boy is bullish and wants to fight with me for wealth. Hehe."
“……!” Next to the staff grinned, "the situation was that the wall of different special zones was the best barrier after the era years!" The heavy firepower of our city defense is two in and four in. The more we get to the edge of the city, the stronger the firepower! Tanks and armored units have firepower and no speed. If they want to touch our walls, they have to be targeted first. Alas, this Qin Yu is much worse than his brother Wang Henan in military command. "
"It’s still the old idea to order the frontier corps to stick to the defense zone for me and not to rush outward." Xu Hancheng said with his hand behind his back. "The Luhuai troops have already joined Chen, and we will stop when they finish their troops!"

What’s the tie? I’ll take the initiative to ask to be assigned to the infamous military dog team.

What, I’m going to dig up a vine with King Kong Gun?
What road flyover in the sarcophagus looks exactly like me?
Why won’t the snake bite me after a long time?
What, I keep hoping to cover the sarcophagus?
What? I object to the king kong cannon taking the hibiscus crown?
Why am I so handy in practicing the gas-watching spell?
What, when I sleepwalk, I hold two instruments?
What can I consciously pull out Gu Jian?
What? I will know the steps and methods of white jade box opening.
What, I have the same name as this dead cow nose who has been dead for thousands of years?
The truth is as obvious as bald lice, and I’ll be too self-deceiving if I don’t admit it.
All right, big brother, I get it. We are the same person. You are my former life, and I am your reincarnation. Please be merciful and stop giving me all these mysterious things. You are driving me crazy, you know? In an instant, I felt that everything was spinning and Kun was dislocated. Fortunately, at this time, the East was red, warm and bright, and the sun was shining on me, which made me feel that I was still alive in the world.
I wiped my sweaty face with my cold hands, and then I touched the neckline with a bow tie. The corners of the bow tie stung my hands faintly, and these pains really woke me up. All this was so real that I was not sleepwalking, although I wished I was sleepwalking.
I packed my things at a loss. At this time, I felt top-heavy and all over the bag, so I staggered back to the dormitory instead.
Lie on the bed and light a cigarette, trying to calm down and calm down, but the mouth is numb. The whole person still feels misty. At this time, the class assistant came back with a wash. "Are you uncomfortable in the squad leader? Why are you so ugly?"
"Well, one thing you can do is ask the captain for a leave, and you can take the training course with you today." I have the strength to answer.
"Ok, I’ll go to the doctor’s office and get you some medicine later." The class assistant is very clever and good at doing things.
"No, by the way, Xiao Sun came to see me again a few days ago and asked me to help him change a dog. He has been training that dog for two months or urinating on everyone. He has been looking for me several times. Go and see if it’s really not good. Just tell Monitor Sun to change it for him," I said smoking a cigarette.
"It’s right for the monitor … that … captain …" The deputy class stammered with an unnatural expression.
"Say something quickly". It’s natural for an army officer to kill the squad leader and class deputy.
"The squad leader inspected our class yesterday and said that the discipline of our class was not good at night. I think we have to go to a place where people are noisy. You love to be quiet, I think I’ll go." This guy is just listening.
I nodded my head, and the deputy class turned around and ran away. I thought about it again … This little estimate was scared by me. I said that the discipline was not good. I was still afraid that I would sleepwalk in the middle of the night and bring him a guy. No wonder I was scared, too.
Forget it, forget it. It’s better and more convenient to live by yourself. Let him go.
After breakfast, I went to the mountain to see the White Wolf come back. I didn’t go to see it these two days. It must be very lonely. But when I came closer, I took a look at the good guy. This guy didn’t know when he caught the bad luck. He was playing hard. He had already vented his anger and didn’t get into the air … When he saw me coming in, the White Wolf let the little consumption jump at me. I was so excited that I threw the dying poor guy out with my tail in my hand, fed the White Wolf again, changed the chain and strengthened his spirits to make him review some training subjects, so I found a clean
Looking closely, the skin is divided into three small stacks, each of which is of different thickness. I looked at them one by one, namely, twelve pieces of "Yin and Yang Observing Qi Method" and thirty-five pieces of "Gankun Imperial Qi Method". Why is there no cover? I flipped through the last two skins. The first one looks like a poem and the second one looks like a map. If you just look at the route, it must be a sub-map, but a normal map will mark the name of the reference object, and this map reference object is full of different colors and smells. "Is this for people?" I said to myself.
"Woof woof woof" White Wolf, I was lying prone when I talked to it, and now I got up and yelled at me twice.
I threw a stone with a smile, and the white wolf pawed at it, which seemed like playing again. I continued to study this pile of skin in my hand without looking at it, but I really couldn’t stop. I couldn’t wait until noon, feeling hungry and too lazy to eat, so I took out a few sausages from my pocket to reward the dog when I trained the dog. The white wolf just took a bite and quit, and rushed at me. In its impression, this one dollar and three sausages belonged to it.
"You heartless baiwenhang" I criticised and threw the ham sausage to the white wolf, lit a cigarette, picked up the cortex and plunged in again.
Unconsciously, it was a few hours. In this period, I released the white wolf chain for the first time. The white wolf looked very excited. I pointed to the mountain and shouted "Bark". "Bark" in military dog training means no! I shouted several times in a row until I was sure that it understood my intention to ban it from the mountain. Then I called a "swim race" and ordered it to move freely. The white wolf ran to the depths of the mountain.
I didn’t feel comfortable calling its name. This guy immediately ran back. When I saw it, I still listened to the command. Then I shouted "Tour Race" again, and I felt comfortable letting it move freely.
Although there are not many ancient books, but the handwriting is too small, the ancient characters are all called small print, and I hold this estimate, which can be regarded as small print. Therefore, it is natural to remember a lot more. The reading habits of people are contrary to the writing habits of the ancients. Fortunately, my reading ability in ancient books is still not satisfactory. Nevertheless, when I finished reading the two books, it was a little dim. I packed up and walked out of the cave. I was just about to call the white wolf and saw the white wolf shaking his head and running back from a distance with a little yellow animal.
"Ha ha, I can catch a rabbit with a white wolf." I felt a burst of joy in my heart, but when it came running with a stench, I saw clearly that this guy was holding a root, not a rabbit, but a thief, a rat, a weasel, a white wolf, a front paw and an excited look at me. It is estimated that this weasel has put a lot of smelly fart, smoked a white wolf, threw his head straight and shed tears, but the white wolf’s perseverance is firm enough, no matter how you smoke it, I just won’t let go! No wonder I shook my head when I was watching the white wolf running in the distance. You were smoked by fart for a long time … "Fuck you, MD, you want to take credit for catching a weasel." I criticised it, but I didn’t hurt its mood. I patted my head and took out a ham sausage from my pocket and threw it to it. At the sight of it, the white wolf immediately threw it. It was stinking and rushed to grab it, while the frightened weasel took the opportunity to sneak out.
Chapter 21 Airbending tactic
"You can come back from the squad leader. Hurry up and change clothes. At six o’clock, the squad leader will attend." I met a little soldier in my class as soon as I walked to the gate of the camp from Shanlai.
"What will?" I asked.
"It seems to be learning from Theory of Three Represents," the recruit replied.
"Oh," I answered a grandmother. What I hate most is that I have studied the theory. Several people are reading the manuscript in the auditorium in Taiwan, and a group of people are sitting in front of each other. They are impatient and have to pretend to listen carefully. I am tired of thinking about that situation.
"Where’s the class vice?" I want to find a scapegoat.
"The class assistant helped the instructor to fill the gas," said the recruit.
"This sycophant" I secretly scolded 1, it’s hopeless. Go by yourself. I hurried back to the dormitory to change my formal suit and strolled to the brigade auditorium with several other squad leaders.
We came to the auditorium laughing and laughing, and met the reconnaissance team and the gun team halfway. Those comrades-in-arms were all in the third year of shift, and they were still waiting in line to shout their numbers, feeling old and uncomfortable.
I’m still so carefree. I can’t help but be glad that I chose the right team. Although those recruits and even their comrades look at me with disdain, I don’t care if I hum to myself, "I’m not afraid to hum either of you."
Learning is boring as always. Anyway, if I don’t listen, I will close my eyes and remember the past during the day.
As the name implies, the basis of the book is to observe all kinds of breath. Compared with the Five Elements of Observing Qi, this book is more objective and takes a shortcut. Although the method of observing Qi has not changed, it is more clear to observe itself because it adds a finger tactic and a mantra to kill the goose that lays the golden egg at each level. Of course, it is even more harmful to itself because of the massive consumption of qi.
In Gankun’s Qi-controlling Method, the thirteen formulas of Qi-controlling are recorded in detail, which are unfamiliar and difficult to understand. The strange method is to guide and modify the Yin-Yang, Heaven-Earth and Qi-controlling for oneself and external creatures. The popular method is that the so-called Qi-controlling means to transport the external breath of one’s own qi to resonate and gain the corresponding ability. Of course, it needs to be done according to one’s ability. If you don’t know what you can, you will be forced to get sick and get sick, and you will lose your life. On the whole, neither the Qi If you have to go against the sky to break this balance, it will not have a huge and long-term impact, and those who have had an earth-shattering impact will naturally be unable to escape the scourge, and then you will be waiting for bad luck
In addition, these two volumes of ancient books also remember the origin of the magic of observing qi. It turns out that this method of observing qi and controlling qi is not the authentic magic of Taoism, but was accidentally created by the predecessors who intercepted teaching. Perhaps everyone is unfamiliar with intercepting teaching. In fact, since ancient and modern Taoists do not necessarily belong to Taoism, it is also possible to explain teaching or intercept teaching. For a long time, Taoism explained teaching and intercepted teaching at the same time. However, in the later period, Taoism explained teaching and intercepted teaching gradually faded out of people’s sight because the practice method was too difficult.
The purpose of practicing Buddhism is to treat emotions with all one’s heart, and it is easier to explain that it is a little overbearing and perverse to take the sword of the air-defense method by the air-defense person. Now, if you think back to the photograph in the addendum, you can better prove that the air-defense person belongs to the air-defense method. Because you can’t get it done in the addendum, you just lie blind for three days and two days (blind for three days) for a year and a half (lying half against the yin and yang). It seems that these are not the physical defects of the air-defense spell, but the fierce man of the air-defense method
However, I didn’t expect that the person who rode in the wind tunnel had reached Buddhism in these two volumes of ancient books. Generally speaking, it means to be courteous to Buddhism. Because it is relatively easy for the Buddhist to practice the main spells in the early stage, it is very difficult for Buddhism to pay attention to the self, self, self, light and magical powers, but the Buddhist roots are not just Taoist skills. I was quite vocal about the saying that the person who rode in the wind tunnel was very ambitious, otherwise I thought that the idea of airbending had reached its peak five years later.
When I went to Buddhism, I unconsciously thought of reincarnation. It is reasonable to say that under normal circumstances, it is possible for a few monks and great virtues to die and then practice by the wind tunnel people. It is a spell, not a magical power. No matter how high the spell is, there is no way to make yourself re-enter the world! Besides, reincarnated people usually have some memories of their previous lives more or less, but why have I never felt anything strange or even had a strange dream since I was a child? Is it true that this practice of practicing humanitarian law by taking the air duct has reached the Millennium realm of opposing Yin and Yang and resisting Qi? I can’t figure it out. Let’s take a break … "Why don’t you push me?" I said in a daze.
"Don’t go to sleep, wake up." An old volunteer monitor next to me woke me up.
"Ah …" When I woke up, I fell asleep at the meeting. When I woke up, I first moved my ass to confirm that I was sitting and looking at my hands again. I was a little relieved that I didn’t take anything this time.
I looked around. Why is everyone staring at me? "Zhang, I didn’t talk in my sleep just now, did I?" I turned to ask him.
"No" Zhang monitor answered with a smile.
"That’s good." I pretended as if nothing had happened and picked up the pen. Who knows that Zhang’s words still have the second half "But you grind your teeth."
Chapter 22 Sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited
Dare to sleep and grind your teeth on such a serious occasion of theoretical study? I guess I am the first one in the special training brigade.