
1. **补血养血**:阿胶是阿胶固元膏中的主要成分,具有补血止血、滋阴润肺的功效,对于缺铁性贫血、再生障碍性贫血等有显著疗效。

2. **美容养颜**:阿胶固元膏能够通过补血滋润皮肤,改善肤色,使皮肤红润有光泽,减少皱纹,对于美容养颜有显著效果。

3. **滋阴润肺**:阿胶固元膏具有滋阴润肺的作用,对于改善干燥的皮肤、缓解咳嗽、干燥综合征等症状有帮助。

4. **调经安胎**:对于女性来说,阿胶固元膏可以补阴血、益冲任,有助于调经安胎,对于妊娠病也有一定的调理作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:阿胶固元膏中的多种成分能够增加白细胞数量,提高机体免疫功能,增强抗病能力。

6. **益智健脑**:阿胶固元膏中的有效成分有利于提高体质,强身壮神,对抗疲劳有积极作用。

7. **延缓衰老**:阿胶固元膏中的蛋白质和多种微量元素有助于延缓衰老,对更年期骨质疏松有预防作用。


8. **改善睡眠**:阿胶固元膏有助于改善睡眠质量,对失眠患者有一定的缓解作用。

9. **改善消化**:阿胶固元膏中的黑芝麻、核桃仁等成分有助于润肠通便,改善消化系统功能。

10. **治疗妇科疾病**:阿胶固元膏对于一些妇科疾病如月经不调等也有一定的调理作用。



1. **补气养血**:红枣含有丰富的糖类、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素以及多种矿物质,具有补气养血的功效。对于贫血、疲劳、体虚等症状有较好的改善作用。

2. **健脾养胃**:红枣具有健脾养胃的作用,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等有很好的食疗效果。中医常用红枣与生姜、半夏等食材同用,治疗胃炎等消化系统疾病。

3. **润肺止咳**:红枣具有润肺止咳的作用,适用于咳嗽、喉咙干燥等症状。可以单独食用,也可以与其他食材如枸杞、蜂蜜等搭配。


4. **护肝养胃**:红枣中的环磷酸腺苷能够增强心肌收缩、改善心肌营养、抑制血小板凝聚等,对肝脏有益,有助于保护肝脏健康。

5. **美容养颜**:红枣含有丰富的维生素C、维生素P和环磷酸腺苷等,能促进皮肤细胞代谢,促进皮下血液循环,防止色素沉着,使皮肤白皙细腻,毛发光润。

6. **调节免疫**:红枣中含有多种维生素和矿物质,能提高人体免疫功能,增强抗病能力。

7. **抗衰老**:红枣中的维生素C和维生素E具有抗氧化作用,可以有效中和自由基,减缓衰老过程。

8. **预防便秘**:红枣含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,有助于清理肠道垃圾和有害物质。

9. **保护心血管健康**:红枣中的钾、镁、铁等微量元素对保护心血管健康和预防贫血有显著功效。钾有助于调节心脏节律,防止高血压和心脏病的发生。

10. **缓和药性**:红枣常被用于药性剧烈的药方中,以减少烈性药的副作用,并保护正气。

11. **安神助眠**:红枣具有安神的作用,适用于晚上睡眠不好或心神不宁的人。



### 药效


1. **活血化瘀**:川芎中的川芎嗪和阿魏酸纳具有活血化瘀的作用,能够改善血液循环,消除体内淤血,对于因血液循环不畅引起的各种症状有缓解作用。

2. **扩张冠状动脉**:川芎制剂能够扩张冠状动脉,增加冠脉流量,对于缓解心绞痛有一定的帮助。

3. **抗血栓形成**:川芎还具有抗血栓形成的作用,对于预防血栓性疾病有积极作用。

4. **抗菌作用**:川芎提取液对多种细菌,如伤寒杆菌、副伤寒杆菌、霍乱弧菌、绿脓杆菌及致病性皮肤真菌等,具有抑制作用。

5. **平滑肌解痉作用**:川芎内酯具有平滑肌解痉的作用,可以抑制肠肌和子宫收缩。

6. **抗放射线作用**:川芎制剂还具有抗放射线的作用。

### 功效

1. **头痛眩晕**:川芎对于头痛,尤其是风寒、风热、血虚引起的头痛有显著疗效。

2. **风湿痹痛**:川芎可以祛风除湿,对于风湿痹痛有一定的缓解作用。

3. **胸肋刺痛**:对于胸肋刺痛,川芎可以活血行气,缓解疼痛。


4. **跌打肿痛**:川芎可以活血化瘀,用于跌打损伤后的肿痛。

5. **闭经痛经、月经不调**:川芎对于妇科疾病,如闭经、痛经、月经不调等,有很好的调理作用。

6. **产后瘀阻腹痛**:产后出现瘀阻腹痛,川芎可以活血化瘀,缓解疼痛。

7. **其他**:川芎还可以用于治疗痈疽疮疡、寒痹痉挛等。

### 使用方法




1. **活血化瘀**:川芎能够促进血液循环,消除血液中的瘀滞,适用于治疗各种血瘀症状,如胸胁疼痛、症瘕结块、月经不调、经闭痛经、产后瘀痛等。

2. **祛风止痛**:川芎具有祛风作用,可以有效缓解由风邪引起的头痛、偏正头痛、风湿痹痛、跌扑肿痛等症状。

3. **调经**:川芎是妇科调经的重要药物,对于痛经、月经不调、闭经等有显著疗效,常与当归、熟地、白芍等药材搭配使用。


4. **改善心血管系统**:现代药理学研究表明,川芎中的川芎嗪、阿魏酸纳等成分具有扩张冠状动脉、增加冠脉流量、缓解心绞痛、抗血栓形成的作用,对冠心病心绞痛有一定的治疗作用。


5. **抗菌作用**:川芎具有一定的抗菌作用,对伤寒杆菌、副伤寒杆菌、霍乱弧菌、绿脓杆菌及致病性皮肤真菌等均有抑制作用。


6. **平滑肌解痉作用**:川芎中的川芎内酯具有解痉作用,能够抑制肠肌和子宫收缩,对某些平滑肌痉挛性疾病有一定的治疗作用。

7. **抗放射线作用**:川芎制剂还具有抗放射线作用,对于放射性损伤有一定的保护作用。



– **适量使用**:川芎用量过大可能引起副作用,如头晕、恶心等。
– **禁忌**:孕妇、过敏体质者、服用川芎有不良反应者应慎用或禁用。
– **合理配伍**:川芎与其他药材的配伍应根据个人体质和病情进行调整。


Zhou Xingli, the highest military officer of the Seventh District Army, was escorted by the guards into the lounge on the second floor.

Wu Chen Zhongren immediately got up and said, "Chief!"
"Sit down, Mr. Chen." Zhou Xingli wore a loose jacket and patted Chen Zhongren on the shoulder with a kindly expression.
The guard saw that the two men were seated and immediately left the door.
Even the hydraulic workers who served tea quietly left the house, leaving a commander and a top military officer looking at each other.
"Ha ha, Mr. Chen, you really embarrassed me today," said Zhou Xingli, crossing his legs and looking at Chen Zhongren.
"Chief, don’t say that …!" Chen Zhongren wants to have a fight with the other party, Tai Ji Chuan, because from the level, after all, he is the commander of the theater, while the other party is a military and political leader. Some words are definitely not good, so he chooses first.
"You listen to me first." Zhou Xingli interrupted with a wave of his hand and still replied slowly. "At the beginning, you wanted to help Gu Taian decompress. The General Logistics Department of the military and the World War II area were all opposed, but I still approved the troops approaching the front line to make up for Jun Chen’s rank in the southwest after the southwest war … Mr. Chen, did you say that I supported you less?"
Chen zhongren didn’t say anything
"Today, you and I won’t talk about some detours, so it’s simple and direct," Zhou Xingli continued. "You want to hide the original garrison area on the salt island, you want to take the key, and now you want to send troops to help Pu end the war, and you want to bypass the military department to forcibly participate in the war. Don’t you have a war zone and a group of onlookers waiting for the opportunity to enter? You can’t take all the good things to yourself, and you have to give them to others at the right time!"
Chen Zhongren took a look at Zhou Xingli. "Chief, it is said outside that there are anti-Chen forces in the seventh district. I am very vague after listening to this. I want to ask you if you really have this force?"
After Zhou Xingli paused for a few seconds, his words simply said, "If you are too arbitrary, you must have it."
"That seems to be true." Chen Zhongren responded with a smile.
"Mr. Chen Yandao shares, please give up a little. Let these jealous people sit at the table and have fun, so that the problem of mobilizing the fleet can be solved." Zhou Xingli sighed and patted his sofa armrest and said, "The chair of the highest military officer is not easy to sit on. It is difficult to take care of your emotions and win some benefits for others …"
Chen Zhongren didn’t answer the phone.
"Commander Chen, can you give me the humble opinion of this chief executive?" Zhou Xingli smiled heartily. "Don’t hang me!"
Chen Zhongren looked up at his eyes. "Ok, let me study."
Say that finish Chen Zhongren leg up.
Zhou Xingli looked at him and said, "Mr. Chen, I still have two years to expire. Don’t worry too much."
Chen Zhongren turned to look at him. "Hehe, I support you after two years."
"I’m exhausted from working." Zhou Xingli waved.
"I walked first" Chen Zhongren left with a smile.
Back to a war zone car
"Dad, what did Chief Zhou say?" Chen Jun asked
"The talk is not ideal," Chen Zhongren said thoughtfully for a long time. "You have a video conference with Gu Yan Qin Yu and ask them if they agree to give up some shares."
"Give up shares?" Jun Chen looked stunned. "Is Chief Zhou so tough?"
"Well, he almost had a showdown with me." Chen Zhongren confessed at the son in a low voice.
While the father and son were discussing, the General Logistics Department of the Military Department issued three orders. First, the military combat unit sealed off the port of South Shanghai Military Port. Without the direct order of the General Logistics Department of the Military Department, a speedboat was not allowed to transfer the offenders privately. The military law was ordered by the General Logistics Department of the Second Military Department. The troops in World War II were temporarily stationed along the road leading to Chuanfu in the Seventh District for two months. The direct order of the General Logistics Department of the Third Military Department directly refused to all brigade-level combat units in the First and Second War Zones and the Navy. The pertinence of the direct order was very obvious.
Teng Pangshi, the first independent division of Qin Yu, has been withdrawn from the three san position and sent by Gu Yanxin to the top of the troops.
After the two divisions left the battlefield, they rushed to the old triangle estuary area to help Publind kill Wu Junsheng as quickly as possible at any time.
More minutes late.
The big troops passed by the 56th army headquarters, Coco Xu Yanglin Chengdong and others rushed to meet Qin Yu when they heard that their troops had arrived.

When you touch diamonds, you become diamonds. When you touch jadeite, you become jadeite. When you touch cement, you become cement. When you touch rubber, you become rubber!

And just then Steve threw his golden shield at Creaer.
Goofy was dumbfounded at first sight.
It’s a pity that nothing can come. Zhen Jindun has hit the absorber.
Absorbing people is quite cunning-first, absorbing the sofa material into a fluffy sponge person, which makes the vibration gold shield method rebound, remove Steve’s strength, successfully get the vibration gold shield, and then directly absorb the vibration gold and become a vibration gold person composed of vibration gold!
Bang bang!
"Absorbing people" Karl Creaer proudly knocked on his own body and Kim Joo-sung smiled and said, "This material is good and makes me feel full of power! I like this material! "
Steve Rogers was shocked in hindsight. "He can absorb everything that comes into contact with materials? !”
"That’s true," Goofy nodded. "Now we are facing a monster made entirely of Zhenjin …"
"Emperor …" Steve depressed unceasingly "this power is too difficult to deal with! Goofy, you should know the power of Zhen Jin. "
Goofy certainly knows the power of Zhen Jin and a body made of Zhen Jin-it’s simply an illusion and a Ultron-level body.
"It’s really tricky," Goofy nodded in recognition.
"We have to find a way to change his material to deal with a man covered in gold. We have almost no chance of winning," Steve frowned.
"Not necessarily," Goofy shook his fist optimistically. "We have a 3% chance to kill him."
Chapter 293 Absorb people
Steve doesn’t understand why goofy optimism has a 3% chance to beat him.
How is this 3% calculated?
"Goofy, what do you think?" Steve low asked.
Goofy doesn’t have time to communicate with him without saying anything!
Although "absorbing people" Karl Creaer can change his own material, his strength is not too good. He flies high. I remember that Creaer’s strength and agility are similar to other materials, but the strength and agility brought by vibrating gold are limited
In strength and agility, Gao Fei completed a double crush on Creaer and easily knocked him to the ground.
Riding in Creaer, flying high, punching directly, he punches as fast as lightning, and every punch hits Creaer in the face.
"The skills! Skills! Skills! The skills … "
Goofy can’t believe that he can’t brush this 3%KO fist while he is playing.
Creaer, who fell to the ground, was ravaged by Goofy, but his face didn’t have the slightest painful expression. Instead, this guy was very leisurely and laughed and said, "Officer Goofy, I know you are a powerful and super-capable person, but please use your head. Your flesh and blood can’t hurt me. I just absorbed the material, which is obviously indestructible …"
The success trigger skill of flying high without falling.
A show is different from the first few punches flips to Carl Creaer on the spot.
"Done" Goofy patted his ass and said to Steve with a smile.
Creaer, who absorbed Zhenjin, gradually turned back to normal after syncope. He was a magic power in syncope.
Steve looked at Goofy stupidly.
"What happened just now? You actually knocked out the person who strengthened the structure of Zhenjin? "
Goofy doesn’t care. "There’s nothing difficult in this world. I’m afraid of a willing heart."
"What the hell? !” Steve had a black line on his face. "Did you quietly use any black technology?"
Goofy just punched at that level, even it was difficult to stun the green goblin, right? What took care of Jin Zhenren with one punch?
"Er … sort of." Goofy smiled mysteriously. "Anyway, the suspect was finally arrested."
It was not until Creaer was sent to Ravencraft madhouse that this guy gradually woke up and flew high. The weight of that punch just now was too heavy for Creaer to bear.
After waking up, Creaer looked up and saw flying high across from him. Unfortunately, at this time, two people, one in prison and the other outside.
"You finally wake up, Mr. Creaer. You can really sleep." Goofy smiled. "I’ve been waiting for you here for more than half an hour, and my legs are almost unconscious."
"It’s impossible! ! !” Carl Creaer root can’t believe it. He has become so hard. Why is he still pushed by Goofy?
There is something wrong with this play!
There is a big problem!
"How did you stun me? I was invincible at that time! "
"Don’t be so confident, Mr. Creaer." Goofy shook his head. "No one is invincible. You will always meet someone stronger than you … and I happen to be a stronger person than you."

When shaking hands, the wind suddenly noticed that even if the man concealed it well, he was shaking, and his hearing was excellent. She heard the heartbeat and it was not normal. It was really exciting to see her again.

That will be screaming, "The wind is so loud outside that the wind has blown away from the car."
However, when they entered the snow, the off-road vehicle found that the car was made of red gold, and the bulletproof glass was particularly strong. The car was spacious and there were small tables in the seats on both sides, like a small mobile conference room.
The general’s surname is Commander Yang Dan Garrison.
Commander Yang sat down and said, "I was afraid that you would go directly to the insect area and hurry over. It’s still the same sentence. The insect area is dangerous. If there is something wrong with you now, but before the great loss comes, I have sent someone to rescue you. I ordered that Academician Liu be rescued at all costs."
Chapter 349
Feng Xie thanked Commander Yang first and said, "I want Xiao Mo to explore the road first, and we will make a decision after seeing the situation outside the insect area."
"Xiao Mo … is the red power girl outside? Ask her to come in quickly. "
Liu Che said, "She is in a special situation. If her car can collapse."
Yang commander puzzled to ask "what? What’s the matter … "He paused and said," It’s purely curious. If it’s not convenient to disclose any secrets involved, no "
Feng Qing said, "It’s not a secret. Xiao Mo is known as the God of War. Whether it’s fighting strength or body density and weight, it’s a bit overweight. A 50-ton truck can directly crush her."
Commander Yang and two academicians of the Academy of Sciences were shocked.
When the wind is inclined, you can talk while walking on the side of the road when it is urgent.
Commander Yang nodded slightly. From the present situation, it seems that the strength is the weakest at first glance. Actually, the main words and deeds are generous and fearless, and there are not so many vain words and actions. As soon as they come, they are ready to roll up their sleeves and refuse to delay. This is a work that is highly effective and dare to fight. She can bring the team to the capital alive. Commander Yang will never believe that she is a reckless.
He knew better that they had come all the way here, and it was after more than ten years that they brought the information, which was extremely important and urgently needed for the capital, so it was bound to be careful.
It is for these reasons that he didn’t put the affairs department at hand in person and asked about the situation outside without opening his mouth directly. Let them have a general understanding of the situation here in the capital first, otherwise they will be completely blind and don’t know anything. Naturally, he will be careful everywhere to guard against the situation over there, and he will also hide and confess.
Although the capital has a lot of resources, it is not directly covered by virgin forests and snow-capped mountains like the southern province, but it is not much better. The violent earthquake has destroyed the city and the earthquake-resistant 12-storey buildings have not been able to withstand the earthquake. This earthquake is not just a shock.
Commander Yang said, "Did you see deserts and canyons when you came? It was all caused by the earthquake. There was a big crack in the original city. The bottom of the crack was criss-crossed with cracks and caves, which were unfathomable. At present, the depth detected is more than 2,000 meters. More than half of these more than 2,000 meters are water areas, and then there are caves. I don’t know where it leads. Now a bridge has been built on the surface of the big crack, but strange animals often come out of the crack to attack people and vehicles passing by. "
"That’s nothing. When you see that virgin forest, we have regarded it as a grain producing area, especially meat products have to rely on the virgin forest to produce what farms and plantations have nothing before the end of the world." He said to Liu Che, "We all have research records of these animals and plants now. If you are interested in finding Yu Lao", he said, and once again introduced a worker beside Liu Che. "This is Yu Lao who is fifteen this year. Can’t you see it?" This is also a benefit of the last days. If you have the power to rejuvenate and live long, the birth rate of children will be sad. "
Before Liu Che nodded, the wind department also did research in this field, and she meant a few words, which provoked the three people in the car to look straight at Liu Che.
There are many places to study here in the capital, and there are a lot of population resources. Besides, disasters are repeated and adults are not happy. Naturally, we ignore the problem of newborns, that is, we can make IVF technology work in the past two years, and now it is not working.
Commander Yang asked, "I didn’t expect you to have this research? I didn’t know that I didn’t know that. "You know, they said that they had been gone for three years, and the southern province was the entire provincial capital, and the living conditions were even worse, which means that they had this research soon after the disaster.
Liu Che said, "The southern province suffered heavy casualties, but the wind has paid special attention to this aspect. Since the establishment of shelters, 13-year-old children and women with children have been protected. At that time, when there were few people, I became a brick. Where is the demand? Where is the move? Then I set up a record team to do some research and measure some data. What is it that children are actually difficult to conceive or have power protection? Ordinary people are more difficult to conceive than power. Mothers are more likely to conceive power and power need the same attributes, such as animal gene infection and animal base. Because of the infection power, the plant gene infection corresponds to the plant gene infection, which needs to be subdivided. It’s just like lions and tigers can give birth to tigers and lions in tigon, but mice and lions can’t give birth to children. It’s the same reason. This is not absolutely because the population of southern province is limited. We can compare the results with those … This depends on whether the objects in their place can see each other. Some birds and birds are infected and like exotic infections. They are willing to love and don’t want children. We can also see if they can give birth to children and make a data record to argue the contrary … "
Commander Yang asked, "How many newborns do you have there?"
Both the data wind and Liu Che remember clearly and immediately reported it to Commander Yang. There were not many more than 100 a year, and then it increased more than 300 every year.
Liu Che sighed with emotion that "it’s still hard to conceive"
Commander Yang said "very good", which is quite good according to their population proportion. He didn’t talk about giving birth for too long. We’ll talk about it later. He said, "The biggest trouble here in the capital is that this kind of insect lives in the insect area and cultivates its own humus fungus food. According to the experimental samples, the fungi they cultivate are all highly toxic and can produce toxic fog after rotting. Even the power can choke and faint for more than fifteen minutes without treatment, which is almost equal to death. This kind of insect has a viviparous life ranging from birth to the end of the year.
"They can not only reproduce quickly, but also absorb nuclear energy for mutation. The most troublesome thing is that they are good at drilling holes and can easily penetrate rocks and turn them into rotten soil, and their range of activities is constantly approaching the city."
The wind suddenly asked, "Do you have the latest map now?"
Commander Yang happily gave a map to the wind and said, "This is their activity area."
The wind leans to show the map, and Liu Che and Wu are all together, and all three of them hold their breath.
According to the map, the capital, like the Taihu Lake base, is trapped into an island. The old city is full of cracks, and the big cracks tear it into six pieces of different sizes. The periphery of the old and new city is a pest area except the habitat of the original forest and exotic birds.

Mo Qingqing looked back at the mountain and saw that the mountain was lush and covered with green. There was no end in sight, big and small, winding and white as a practice belt, and rivers were like mirrors. Lakes were scattered all over the day, and birds could be seen flying like fairy tales. She looked at the vibrant forest behind her and looked up at the snowy mountains full of snow and bare rocks ahead, and continued to climb.

Liu Che said, "Idiot regrets now and wants to return it later."
Wu sullenly hesitated and said, "Che and I will just go." She knew that this road was too dangerous to find her parents. It was her and Liu Che, not Mo Qingqing.
Mo Qingqing simply said, "Being idle together is idle anyway."
All birds "chirped" and gave Mo Qingqing a dirty look. It wanted to turn back.
Liu Che looked silently at the climbing wind and asked, "Don’t you have anything to say? I didn’t want to know why you came here with a good leader and took any risks with us. "I was moved but curious."
The wind threw Liu Che a look too lazy to ignore her.
Liu Che "cut" and said "Don’t tell" to continue climbing the mountain.
Mo Qingqing climbed another steep mountain, then leaned against the rock with an angle of 40-50 degrees to catch her breath. She looked at the white mountain and said to several people struggling to climb behind her, "What did you say after climbing this snow-capped mountain?"
The wind sighed and said, "Don’t think about the snowy mountain or the snowy mountain." She sighed again to see that Mo Qingqing was lying high and comfortable, and said with a dark sigh, "A mistake should bring a rope." Mo Qingqing climbed fast. She put a rope in front and they all saved a lot of effort.
The fastest is Liuche Road. When it is easy to climb, she can’t walk well. She spread her wings and flew directly.
Yu Qingling’s family of three is the most pitiful. They are not good at climbing this kind of mountain road with their luggage. When they encounter steep places, they have to make a long detour to find a relatively flat mountain road. Two cubs are so tired that their tongues are spit out.
Aunt Qing climbs the mountain by herself and has to take care of the children. There is also a bird’s nest on its back. There are still several suitcases hanging on both sides of the bird’s body. The burden of these people hunting animals is much heavier. It knows that it is difficult for them to grow up with two children who need a lot of power for a long time. Only by following Mo Qingqing and them can they have a better future. Therefore, no matter how tired they are, they silently follow it. They have no opinion about the birds nesting on its back. It has already ordered two children to hide behind the birds immediately when they are in danger.
When Mo Qingqing climbed for another breath, she said, "No, I remember that the snowy mountain is not so steep from a distance." She wanted to think about it and instructed Liu Che, "If you can fly, you should first explore a road and find a good place to climb."
Liu Che glanced at Mo Qingqing and flew out to find his way.
After half an hour, she flew back and said, "I have good news and bad news for you."
Mo Qingqing rolled his eyes and said, "I hate this. Say something quickly."
Liu Che said, "The bad news is that we are crawling along the Grand Canyon, which is the steepest." She pointed to both sides and said, "It is much better to climb on both sides."
MoQingQing expression suddenly cracked.
It’s almost tiring. The three green scale beasts have their tails standing up.
The bird lies down in the bird’s nest and talks so hard that it wants to sing, but when it calls it to ride, it swings its tail.
It doesn’t matter if Wu is bored. Anyway, she has climbed so far. She asked, "Will it be easier to change roads?"
Mo Qingqing said "nonsense"
The wind suddenly said, "this is the hardest thing to go, but recently Daoche said hello news."
Liu Che said, "The good news is that you have almost climbed to the top of the mountain."
Three men and three green-scaly beasts continued to climb the mountain in pants.
Mo Qingqing looked up at Erlang, who had cocked his legs and sat on the top of the mountain, waiting for them. Liu Che said, "I really envy people with wings." She finally understood where Bai Lin’s obsession with wings came from. She added, "I think we should let Fengshen Wing team fly over to explore the road first and then go after they find out the situation."
The wind suddenly said, "Their strength in COSCO is too far from the ground. They must have supplies. Once they meet a slightly stronger exotic bird, their army will be wiped out." She added after a pause, "If we must travel far and look at the whole wind department, there is no more suitable team configuration than us."
Mo Qingqing said, "I’m just saying."
They climbed to the top before dark.
Mo Qingqing was more inclined than the wind and Wu was bored to climb the mountain top first. She looked up at the top of the mountain and saw the ups and downs of the mountains ahead, like dragons rushing to the front, and the ice peaks stood like knives cutting cliffs everywhere.

Shen Nan heart again surprised again afraid gently shaking Shen Mengqi body asked "sister, how are you? Don’t scare me, okay? When things have passed, I won’t blame you … "

Shen Nan words not finished see Shen Mengqi turned to stare at his tears.
"I regret it."
There has been little change in Sumo Mansion in the past years.
Sue ink carrying canglang reality leap lightly landed in the yard.
The peach blossoms are in full bloom in the middle of the courtyard.
In a short time, the real person is already gray-haired and dying.
The huge abdominal wound is constantly losing qi and blood, and then the broken road is destroyed, and the real person is aging very fast!
Wrinkles like engraved on his face, eyes deeply sunken, eyes turbid, and it’s a dying day.
Su Mo threw Canglang real person to the peach tree and asked, "Do you know what brought you here?"
Canglang reality has no strength to speak. He knows that he will die today. His eyes are bitterly staring at Su Mo.
"Years ago, you burned Zhuifeng in front of me. Although it is a spirit beast, I regard it as a relative and partner."
Su Mo clenched his fist slightly and said coldly, "The ashes of Zhuifeng are buried in this peach tree. I told you that one day I would spill your surging blood here!"
Canglang real eyes suddenly become more complicated.
There’s resentment, regret, fear and reluctance …
"If I hadn’t chased the wind years ago, I would have died in your true fire."
Su Mo grabbed Canglang’s real head. In his eyes, generate said slowly, "Canglang, you pay for it!"
Su Mo leaned out his fingertips and severely crossed the throat of Canglang!
Blood gushed out and fell on peach trees.
Chapter five hundred and fifty Bury the past
The Shenyang courtyard is a mess.
Shen Mengqi’s face became more and more ugly in situ, and she was covered with a mass of black fog, and she could fall at any time.
Shen Nan beside carefully holding her watching this scene but ability.
Originally, he hoped that with his sister’s worship in Xianmen, he and his family could also soar.
But now it’s all gone
Shen Nan’s heart is not lost.
At this moment, he is looking forward to his sister’s life, even if they are poor and plain again, it is better to be alone.
Shen Nan asked softly, "Why don’t you lie down and have a rest?"
Shen Mengqi shook his head gently and obstinately tried to open his eyes and looked at the door as if he were waiting for something.
She knows that if she lies down now, she may never get up again
The night faded away.
Finally, there is a familiar figure at the door.
Blue, black hair and fine eyes.
This man has spent several hours with her, happy and warm.
Now this man has come to see her off for the last time.
Shen Mengqi whispered, "Take me there."

Only then did he realize what a terrible group of practitioners they were facing!

Ji Yaoxue is in despair.
Da Zhou is dead!
Chapter one thousand and ninety-seven Someone bullied you
"Something is wrong!"
Road flyover Ze looks pale.
Road flyover Flying Wolf is strong in combat power, but it is impossible to be so strong.
What’s more, if the flying wolf Taoist has such a fighting power, he will obey the Daxia Dynasty?
Since the collapse of Dagan Empire 10,000 years ago, the four dynasties in the northern region have long since lost their former imperial power and grace.
In those days, there were two great Buddhists in Dagan Empire.
The strength of the empire can also be super-clan!
Now, don’t say that even the top ten families in the northern region are not as good as the four dynasties.
Road flyover Flying Wolf is more than enough to get started. Will he join the Daxia Dynasty?
Ze Zhenjun vaguely realized that it might be more terrible for Da Zhou to face the enemy this time than the three dynasties!
How confident do you have to be to visit the King City of Zhou Dynasty in Santian?
In the summer, I smiled leisurely. "Why are these returning Taoist priests so weak and vulnerable?"
Big deep and remote days coldly said, "Ji Yaoxue, more than 100 years ago, your lover Su Mo raped and killed one million people in the Cang Lang Mountains! It’s time to settle this account. "
Ji Yaoxue knows that Zhou will die today, and there is no fear in her heart. She sneers, "You three dynasties invaded Zhou’s place and slaughtered millions of people!"
"Those untouchables who dare to resist my three dynasties in Julian Waghann are willing to fight for their own lives!"
There was a ferocious grin in Dashangtian’s eyes. "Ji Yaoxue Sumo has become a cripple. I don’t know if this blood debt can be counted on you!"
Hearing this name, Ji Yaoxue’s eyes darkened.
She also heard about the World War I ten years ago.
I’m afraid that even if Su Mo can return, it’s not the Uber who was once the enemy.
Such a blow is enough to destroy people!
Ji Yaoxue looked at the distance and sighed in her heart, "I wonder if you are ill … goodbye to us in this life."
At this moment, she felt a strong yearning.
Like a merry-go-round before death, scenes of two people getting along emerge in front of us.
She immersed herself in it and smiled, and her eyes gradually became moist.
These scenes finally condensed into a figure and appeared in her blurred vision.
Blue, upright, slender, black hair, clear eyes, smiling and looking at her, her eyes are soft and walking slowly.
Have you been hallucinating?
Ji Yaoxue sniffed and laughed. ChuiShou slightly pulled out a dagger and prepared to die here.
Just then, she suddenly found that the monks present were staring in that direction and looked shocked!
"Sue Sue …"
Road flyover Ze pointed to the distance and said two words in disbelief, but he couldn’t say it anymore.
Ji Yaoxue vaguely realized what suddenly looked up.
Not far away, a blue monk really appeared in her sight, and soon she had come near!
Isn’t it an illusion?
"Who is this person?"
Big summer frown asked
This blue monk is just returning to the virtual world, but some monks see this man as if he had seen a ghost!
"It’s him!"
The eyes of the Red Tiger Taoist in Longhu Pavilion sank and said, "Su Mo, the Taoist of the Wild Martial Arts!"
There was a flash of cold light in the eyes of the young people in green robes in the crowd. "It’s interesting that dealing with some small fish and shrimp led to a big fish."
"Ah …"
Da Youtian sneered, "If this man had some deterrent ten years ago, now he is just a basket case!"
Jiyaoxue stare at bearer is still some incredible gently call a.
Her voice trembled and slowly stretched out her palm to try to touch Su Mo’s cheek, but she was afraid to palm her hand in the middle.
She was afraid that if she touched it, the illusion would disappear!
Su Mo came to Ji Yaoxue and held out her palm to gently wipe the tears from her eyes.
Feeling the warmth in the palm of your hand, JiYao doubts again in the snow.
This is not an illusion!
The person in front of me is Su Mo!
Listen to Su Mo gently sigh "Someone bullied you"
I don’t know if this sigh falls on the monk’s back, and suddenly a chill rises and his hair stands on end!
This feeling is like being caught in a huge disaster and being stared at by some pure blood fierce beast!
Even the green youth are frowning and feel scalp pins and needles.
He shook his head to get rid of this feeling.